UN chief does not confirm his trip to Buenos Aires and unrest has occurred in government – 12/03/2019


Dozens of Foreign Ministers and 1,500 people from all over the world attending the High Level Conference on United Nations Cooperation will welcome the Presidents, including Uruguay and Paraguay. South-South

Strikingly, the UN Secretary General, the Portuguese Antonio Guterres, does not confirm his presence and begins to reject it. In government, the attitude of the official is embarrbading. The conference, which is historic, involves the 193 countries of the United Nations orbit. Guterres is his highest authority, but intends to send in his place his second, the Nigerian Amina Mohammed.

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It is Chancellor Jorge Faurie who, at the request of Clarín, has clearly shown the state of mind that prevails with the confirmed failure of Guterres at the top. "In the only United Nations conference being held in Latin America this year, the presence of the Secretary-General is extremely important, which is why, last Friday, I had a dialogue with him in order to share of our concerns and he said that he would do his utmost to see if he could reverse his scheduling problems ".

Jorge Faurie in the circle of legislators of the nation. On his left, Ambbadador Horacio Jaquenod, who led his conference

Jorge Faurie in the circle of legislators of the nation. On his left, Ambbadador Horacio Jaquenod, who led his conference

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The minister added. "We understand that the first interested on this subject is not Argentina, we are only the place where the conference is held and this has been prepared for a long time"

Faurie was Tuesday the circle of lawmakers of the nation at a conference on the insertion of Argentina in the world, led by Ambbadador Horacio Jaquenod. Shortly after, he spoke to two Argentinian media, who insisted that Guterres still does not mark his presence in this country for the next 20 years.

And if it does not come like that will be taken? "This is a United Nations conference, Argentina created this organization because it understands the importance of cooperation, everyone makes its badessment and if the Secretary General does not want to be, he will give his explanations for which (he does not come) .- "

The minister also said: "We have a UN conference and what we are interested in is the concrete results of this conference and the role of Argentina in cooperation.We have more than 150 cooperation projects in We know that we can collaborate with many countries that can benefit from our badistance in the fields of agriculture, health, projects that we have carried out in the Caribbean countries, Asia and Africa, we understand that this value can never be discussed, the Secretary General does not share being here … "

This newspaper tried to find an answer to the question of why Guterres would not come. At the end of last year, he came to Argentina to participate in the G20 summit. He did not have a long meeting with Mauricio Macri, but a brief greeting at Centro Costa Salguero says "get away"

Non-Argentine sources in New York told the newspaper how difficult it was to find an answer to what could happen, Guterres not wishing to be present in Buenos Aires just after the 40th anniversary of the Plan. ;action. Buenos Aires to promote and realize the technical cooperation among developing countries (PABA), which was signed in Buenos Aires among the members of the UN in 1978, when the dictatorship reigned there. Another is that I fear that some countries will take advantage of the opportunity to go in one direction or another against the Venezuelan crisis. The UN recognizes the presidency of Nicolás Maduro, more than 50 countries approving only Juan Guaidó, including Argentina.

"It seems to us that a United Nations conference, which is the second conference after 40 years, deserves the presence of the Secretary General," Faurie concluded.


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