UN Security Council meeting: United States demanded that all civilians wishing to leave be able to leave Afghanistan safely


UN Security Council (Reuters)
UN Security Council (Reuters)

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US Ambassador to the United Nations, said, “all Afghans and international citizens wishing to leave the country must be allowed to do so safely», In a speech delivered to the Security Council meeting urgently because of the crisis in this Asian country.

The diplomatic representative praised the efforts of the countries of the international community towards refugees and added: “The United States promises to be generous in relocating Afghans to our country.

“Today, I want to reiterate, reiterate and reaffirm this call: the civilian population must be protected, including journalists and non-combatants. Attacks against civilians or civilian objects must cease. Yes The human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Afghan citizens, especially women, girls and members of minority groups, must be respected. We also call on all parties to prevent terrorism, and We must all ensure that Afghanistan cannot once again become a base for terrorism“, He expressed.

For its part, the British delegation said it is “vital” that the international community unites with a message of commitment to Afghanistan. “We will continue to work with our partners in the Security Council, the G7, the Human Rights Council and in the region to achieve a more stable and inclusive Afghanistan for all of its people,” said the representative. James Kariuki.

Taliban near Kabul airport (Reuters)
Taliban near Kabul airport (Reuters)

Images of chaos and desperation at Kabul airport rocked the world a day after the Taliban seized power in Kabul. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled the country and civilians attempted to board planes evacuating military, diplomatic and foreign government personnel.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas admitted that NATO allies underestimated the speed of the Taliban’s advance in Afghanistan and did not anticipate that Afghan forces were unprepared for combat . “There is no pretending. All of us – the federal government, the intelligence services, the international community – misjudge the situation, ”Maas said at a press conference in Berlin.

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden has announced he will be delivering a speech this afternoon at the White House.

(With information from EFE)


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