UN Security Council meets urgently to face crisis in Venezuela


At the request of the United States, the UN Security Council meets Tuesday to discuss the crisis in Venezuela after the violent day on Saturday, during which the opposition tried to bring in the mainland. foreign humanitarian aid in the country and was repressed by orders by Nicolás Maduro.

The last weekend the Venezuelan borders burned: While the government was forcing a ship with humanitarian aid to make a detour, hundreds of people were injured on the border between Colombia and Brazil while they were trying to bring food trucks in and medicines in the country. At the Brazilian border Four demonstrators were killed.

Before the Lima Group summit in Bogota to discuss actions against the Maduro regime, US Vice President Mike Pence said that Juan Guaidó is recognized by 50 countries as interim president of Venezuela and that he enjoys the full support of Donald Trump pic.twitter.com/uVo2EzJ03j

– TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) February 25, 2019

Although Russia supports the Maduro governmentDiplomats said it was unlikely that he was calling for a procedural vote to try to block the meeting, as he did on Jan. 26, when the council went to the polls. also met at the invitation of Washington to specifically discuss the crisis in Venezuela.

On this occasion, Russia, China, South Africa and Equatorial Guinea opposed the United States' request for discuss the crisis in Venezuela in the Council integrated by 15 countries, while Côte d'Ivoire and Indonesia abstained. The meeting still took place because nine countries voted for it.

US increases the pressure

A Council diplomat said that the United States I had nine votes needed again hold the meeting on Tuesday. UN policy officer Rosemary DiCarlo will brief the Council on the situation in Venezuela.

Meanwhile, negotiations are continuing on a Draft resolution of the United States this would support "the immediate beginning of a political process leading to free, fair and credible elections" in Venezuela with the presence of international observers.

But it should be veto of Russia, who prepared your own draft resolution denouncing "tries to intervene" in Venezuela and expresses concern over the "threat of use of force" against the Maduro government. However, it is unlikely that you have the nine votes necessary to approve it.

The UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, declared Sunday "shocked" for the deaths of civilians in Venezuela and urged "to do everything possible to prevent further escalation".

The situation Venezuela has divided the UN member states, where dozens of countries such as Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba, Nicaragua and Bolivia support Maduro.

Venezuela goes through worst crisis in its modern history, with acute hyperinflation and shortage of food and medicine. Some 2.7 million Venezuelans have emigrated since 2015, according to the UN.


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