UN Warns States Against Artificial Intelligence Systems Threatening Human Rights | He called for a “moratorium” on the sale and use of resources such as facial recognition


The HIM HIM asked to impose a “moratorium” on the sale and use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems which, among other things, allow facial recognition, until the necessary safeguards to protect human rights are activated.

“Artificial intelligence can be a force for good, which helps societies overcome some of the greatest challenges of our time. But AI technologies too may have harmful effects and even catastrophic, when used without paying due attention to their ability to violate human rights“, warned the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in a statement, Michelle Bachelet. The report describes in detail how AI systems are based on large databases of personal information “compiled, exchanged, combined and analyzed using various and sometimes opaque methods.”

Bachelet asked to assess the risks that systems that rely on artificial intelligence pose to privacy or freedom of expression. “Since assessing the dangers and how to overcome them may still take some time, States should now put in place moratoriums on the use of technologies with high risk potential ”he added.

Bachelet cited as an example the technologies that make it possible to make automatic decisions or those that establish profiles.

The report highlights the Growing use of AI-based systems by law enforcement, who use this tool to identify people remotely and in real time, which could lead to unlimited surveillance of individuals.

“We cannot continue to react belatedly to the effects of AI, nor allow it to be used indefinitely, without borders or controls, to deal later with its almost inevitable human rights consequences.” , insisted Bachelet, who at the same time affirmed that “the capacity of the AI ​​to serve the population is undeniable”.

Artificial intelligence systems are used “to decide who gets public services, who has the opportunity to get a job and, of course, affect the information that people see and can share on the Internet “, remarked Bachelet.

The report was requested by the Human Rights Council -the supreme organ of the United Nations in this field-, and analyzed the modalities of application of these technologies even when their functioning or their impact has not been fully assessed.

AI has caused many people to be treated unfairly, Bachelet said, “either because they were denied social security benefits due to the application of bad AI tools or because they were stopped following errors in facial recognition systems. “

“The risk of discrimination inherent in decisions based on AI – decisions capable of changing, defining or harming people – is very real, ”added Bachelet.


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