UNAM specialist revealed which species will survive climate change


The polar bear adapts to its new living conditions (Photo: REUTERS / Irina Yarinskaya / Zapolyarnaya Pravda)
The polar bear adapts to its new living conditions (Photo: REUTERS / Irina Yarinskaya / Zapolyarnaya Pravda)

the climate change It is one of the main concerns that year after year the inhabitants of the world are plagued by its increasingly visible effects. Therefore, specialists constantly do estimates of how life will affect of man and also that of animals.

Unlike humans, animals, plants and other organisms do not have the power to stop the disease. global warming and they are only driven to survive. so i worry which species will survive to these changes.

About, Antonio Lazcano Araujo, Emeritus Professor of the Faculty of Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (A), explained in an interview for UNAM Global that various species of our planet will adapt to any change.

The specialist recalled that in the past there have been cases of species which survive in unfavorable conditions, difficult to survive, but which have nevertheless adapted to give continuity to their type.

A UNAM specialist spoke about species that will survive climate change (Photo: Instagram)
A UNAM specialist spoke about species that will survive climate change (Photo: Instagram)

“(In) a wonderful awareness book, I was struck by a paragraph that explained some plants able to adapt at very high concentrations of accumulated metals in the environment following the industrial activity“, he underlined.

In this sense, he said that living things have an enormous capacity for adaptation. He highlighted another case on the college campus itself that proves the theory.

He said that at Ciudad Universitaria they detected that some bird nests under its dry twigs there are pieces of plastic, This means that these birds have adapted to the presence of this material, incorporating it into their lives.

He assured that in the same way there are many life forms capable of surviving climate change, but the absolute champions are the prokaryotic and archaea bacteria, as well as all unicellular organisms lacking a nuclear membrane.

Barrier Reef.  Paramuricea clavata coralligeno species (Photo: EuropaPress / WWF)
Barrier Reef. Paramuricea clavata coralligeno species (Photo: EuropaPress / WWF)

For Lazcano Araujo, in the origin and evolution of life, these organizations have an extraordinary ability to resist high pressures, low temperatures, high levels of ultraviolet radiation and the presence of metals.

“In fact, they have a biological metabolic plasticity huge that would make them the big winners, and in case a disaster happens with climate change and we are not able to control it, they could survive, ”he said.

However, although species adapt to the new climatic conditions to which they are exposed, global authorities are constantly striving to take action to reduce global warming.

One of them is the Paris Agreement, focused on the fight against the greenhouse effect. It was signed in December 2015; currently 189 countries are part of it, and it entered into force less than a year later.

A black cap (Sylvia atricapilla) eating dogwood fruit (Photo: EFE / Luis Ojembarrena / University of Cadiz)
A black cap (Sylvia atricapilla) eating dogwood fruit (Photo: EFE / Luis Ojembarrena / University of Cadiz)

According to the United Nations (HIM HIM), has for object reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and limit this century’s global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius, while looking for ways to limit the rise even further to 1.5 degrees.

“The Agreement includes commitments from all countries to reduce their emissions and collaborate to adapt to the effects of climate change, as well as calls on states to step up their commitments over time. To this end, the Accord establishes two review processes, each on a five-year cycle.

Agree with EFE, Germany aspires to climate neutrality by 2045, while the whole of the European Union, the United States, South Korea and Japan want to reach it by 2050, and China wants to reach this milestone by 2060. However , however, most countries have not set a date.


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