Unbridled pandemic: coronavirus kills one person every minute in the United States


the coronavirus does not stop and even progresses faster and faster United States, So that This week, in a single day, it killed 1,707 people, the most daily since last May, recorded Johns Hopkins University.

At this rate kill at least one American per minute, reported CNN. And it will only get worse, said Jonathan Reiner, physician and professor at the George Washington University School of Medicine.

“The horrific death toll we saw in the United States on Tuesday … rreflects the number of people infected three weeks ago, two or three weeks ago, because it’s the delay “Reiner explained. “On average, two or three weeks ago, we were receiving between 70,000 and 80,000 (new) cases per day. Yesterday there were around 155,000 (new) cases. If you’re alarmed by the 1,700 deaths today, in two or three weeks we’ll see 3,000 a day. “.

Tuesday also, the world hit a daily record for Covid-19 deaths: 10,816. The United States leads the daily average of deaths, Which equals 1 in 12 deaths reported worldwide every day, according to Reuters.

Rapid increase in hospitalizations

So far on this day alone, 79,000 people have been hospitalized in the United States, According to a Reuters tally, this is the maximum in a day for the pandemic.

In In the past two weeks, hospitalizations for the coronavirus have increased by almost 50%, This has put the health system to the test and led states to impose new restrictions to reduce the rate of infection and slow the community spread of the virus.

They ask not to travel on Thanksgiving day

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today urged Americans to not to travel during the Thanksgiving holiday, next Thursday 26, and consider canceling plans to spend time with family members away from home.

“We are alarmed”, said Dr Henry Walke, head of Covid-19 incidents at the CDC, citing an exponential increase in cases, hospitalizations and deaths. “What concerns us is not only the mode of travel, whether it is a plane, a bus or a car, but also the transport centers that concern us. “

More restrictive measures

In Minnesota, see restaurants, bars, gymnasiums and entertainment venues will close from tomorrow until December 18.

In New York City, the average seven-day positive test rate has reached 3% and public schools have been closed. Mayor Bill de Blasio has defended his decision to close the country’s largest school district.

Worse yet: health officials have warned that the increase in hospitalizations of the last 15 days worsen in the face of the northern winter, and urged Americans to limit your Thanksgiving celebrations next week to small family reunions.


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