Uncertainty about the IMF's mission in the country | Chronic


While the political future of our country seems to be defined as a transition of governments, one direction is also ending at the International Monetary Fund and another is about to begin.

Pilot of the $ 57,000 million loan for Argentina, the largest in history, Christine Lagarde has stepped down as IMF director and has been temporarily replaced by David Lipton.

It was now known that the next to occupy this post would be Bulgarian Kristalina Georgievawho will have to face the headache that our country has become.

As the largest loan in its history, the Fund is committed to rapidly improve the country's economic situation, to change the bad image that is created in many parts of the world.

In this context, the decisions made by the president last week went in the opposite direction to what had been agreed in the various economic plans drawn up by the outgoing minister. Nicolás Dujovne. His successor, Hernán Lacunza, He has also always had a good dialogue, but explaining the reasons for the turn will not be easy.

In fact, it appeared that the authorities of the agency came to question their expected presence in our country this week. This would be due to the crisis triggered after the August 11th primary election and uncertainty over the path the new finance minister will take.

Prior to September 15, the quarterly review of Argentina's accounts must be done, which will lead to a final disbursement – this year – of $ 5.4 billion.

Despite this, it was also learned that links with the economic team of Alberto Fernandezwho will be asked for details about their plans for the future of the country.


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