Uncontrolled: June's inflation will be the highest in two years | Economy


  Without brake: inflation in June will be the highest in two years

Without brake: inflation in June will be the highest in two years

The inflationary index in June would be located in 3.5% with an interannual note which already stands at 29.5% . This is indicated by a report from the Institute of Workers' Statistics (IET) of the Metropolitan University for Education and Work (UMET).

This is the highest record in two years since to find a similar increase, it is necessary to go until May 2016, when the rise in price was 3.7%.

According to the data in this report, accumulated inflation during the first six months of the year reached 16.1% already exceeding the target set by the National government for the entire year, which The rate in utilities and the cost of food (which in some products records more than 35% of a year on the l '; other) had an even worse effect in the low-income sectors

In the line of inflation that affects more [] those who have less the EIT considered that From November 2015 to date, the difference in inflation between the richest and the least rich decile was 27.5%, hurting sectors with fewer resources.

"There are services where monthly inflation records increases of up to 7.5 points as a recreation area, 5% in health, transportation and communications (4.3%), "the authors report.

Food and beverages recorded an increase of 4.1% although there were verified increases of more than 8%, such as vegetables (8.3%) or oils and fats (7%). , 9%)).

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