“Under no circumstances should abortion become a right”: PAN


PAN has spoken out against SCJN's decision on "life since conception" (Photo: PAN / EFE)
PAN has spoken out against SCJN’s ‘life from conception’ decision (Photo: PAN / EFE)

The direction of the National Action Party (PAN) regretted the decision taken by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) to report as unconstitutional the equalization of “Life from conception” with that of a human being.

This Thursday, September 9, through a press release, the party whose leader in the Senate brought Vox to sign the Madrid card stated that “failure to criminalize women who have abortions does not mean that a wrongdoing undermining human dignity is not committed”.

In this sense, the blues and whites agreed that pregnant women deserve protection, defense, support and support from the State; However, it made a distinct difference from some of the precepts recently approved at the SCJN on the health and empowerment of women and pregnant people.

Members of Catholic civil society pray for life and against abortion before the nation's Supreme Court of Justice (Photo: EFE / Carlos Ramírez)
Members of Catholic civil society pray for life and against abortion before the nation’s Supreme Court of Justice (Photo: EFE / Carlos Ramírez)

Regarding the criminalization of women, the PAN assured that this measure is not the solution, so the party, in order to pursue its political agenda, affirmed that it will revise “All possibilities to safeguard the value of the life of all peoples”.

“Decriminalization consists in not putting in prison the woman who has aborted, but in no case should abortion become a right”

With regard to the task of the discussion among jurists which took place in the SCJN Superior Room, the blues and whites reproached the scholars of the law for not sharing the point of view of the militants of the National Action, which defends the product of the union of a sperm with an egg, embryo, zygote or fetus.

The feminist vanguard in Mexico has repeatedly called for authorities to decriminalize abortion (Photo: AP / Rebecca Blackwell)
The feminist vanguard in Mexico has repeatedly called for authorities to decriminalize abortion (Photo: AP / Rebecca Blackwell)

“We deeply regret that in the discussions that the ministers of the Court had, there was no importance for the life of the unborn human beingThe statement reads. They also referred to the alleged unconstitutionality of not recognizing the product as a human being.

In order to have a “more human and fraternal society where the rights of all are respected”, the party which leads Marko Cortes He assured that he would continue to examine all possibilities for the court to accept his conceptions of life.

“The right to life from conception to natural death”

And it is that the SCDJN determined this Thursday that recognizing “human life from conception” is contrary to the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States (CPEUM), so that no local constitution can override this decision and the punishment against women for this illegal assumption is not appropriate.

A group of religious protesters pray outside the Supreme Court of Justice (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)
A group of religious protesters pray outside the Supreme Court of Justice (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)

“Our whole legal system, with its obligations and rights, is linked to the concept of ‘person’ and this concept always presupposes a born human being. This shows that to assert that the embryo or the fetus are persons, implies adopting an extremely inarticulate approach with the rest of the legal world, ”he argued. Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena, Minister of the Supreme Court.

In addition to this, the minister Luis Maria Aguilar Morales said since Monday that “the woman can freely dispose of herself and he can build his story of life and destiny independently and free from imposition or transgressions ”.

Therefore, acting contrary to these precepts would perpetuate transgressive patterns. the dignity and personal autonomy of women and pregnant people, since it would be implicit that their rights “can be modulated and restricted on the basis of hypotheses, based on a social construction which, rather than independent persons, configure them only as an instrument of procreation”.


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