Under pressure from Parliament, Jair Bolsonaro clings to his strategy of verbal attacks


The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, continues with his verbal machine gun. In the week in which the “Covid CPI” – the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry – began to operate, which analyzes its actions in pandemic, the president fired on opponents and again attacked the Chinese.

On this occasion, he hinted that China had created the coronavirus to “start a chemical war”. “Are we not facing a new war? Which country has recorded the highest growth in GDP?”

Bolsonaro had already mentioned the “Chinese virus” to express his opposition to the governor of São Paulo, João Doria, who was ahead of the production of vaccines against the virus.

The new chancellor of Brazil, Carlos France, highly regarded for his work, maintains a fluid dialogue with the Chinese Ambassador to Brasilia, Yang Wanming, who had differences with former Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo.

Demonstrations against the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, this Friday in São Paulo.  Photo: REUTERS

Demonstrations against the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, this Friday in São Paulo. Photo: REUTERS

França’s work is of a tightrope walker. China is Brazil’s main trading partner. As it grows, it helps revive the Brazilian economy, note specialists critical of the Brazilian government.

The new attacks on Beijing by Bolsonaro have been interpreted as “smoke” to cover what is today at the center of the political scene in Brazil, in particular the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the management of the covid.

The former ministers of health of your government, Luiz Henrique Mandetta Yes Nelson Pond, who went through the Federal Senate last week, said Bolsonaro approved treatments with chloroquine questioned and ignored science.

However, the current Minister of Health, Marcelo Queiroga, did not criticize her. And questioned, the president with his style replied with the inelegant: “Não enche o saco” (“Do not inflate my balls”).

Violence (not just verbal)

These are times of verbal virulence in the tropical country, blessed by God (“tropical country abençoado by Deus”), says the song of Jorge Ben Jor.

But not just verbal. On Labor Day, Bolsonaro supporters took to the streets to support him. They wore green and yellow, the colors of the Brazilian flag. And that was the problem at the time, just eight days ago.

In the middle, the ICC began its tasks, former President Lula da Silva stepped up his political articulations given the growing expectation that he will run in the presidential elections of 2022 with possibilities and 29 people were killed in a horrible new operation in a Rio favela. Janeiro. One of them was a policeman.

Protesters came to support Jair Bolsonaro on Saturday May 1 in Brasilia and other cities in Brazil.  Photo: AFP

Protesters came to support Jair Bolsonaro on Saturday May 1 in Brasilia and other cities in Brazil. Photo: AFP

Research shows that among those killed Jacarezinho many had neither weapons nor time to react. Security experts say police in Brazil – and mainly in Rio, the country’s former capital – continue as under dictatorship. First they shoot and then they ask.

Bolsonaro said nothing about the massacre. Nor with regard to more than 400,000 deaths from the pandemic.

But he regretted the death of popular comedian Paulo Gustavo, aged only 42, by covid. The artist was an avowed homosexual, which goes against the principles of the former army captain. Yet he was loved by the classes who approve of the president. His death has left Brazil in mourning. He said that “laughing is an act of resistance”.

Also watch

At least 23 dead in Rio de Janeiro after police operation in favela

Jair Bolsonaro threatens decree against quarantines and challenges Supreme Court


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