UNESCO says chipá is Argentinian and Paraguayan anger has erupted | Chronic


A hilarious mistake by UNESCO has triggered the fury of Paraguayans. In a publication on their social networks, the international organization identified the chipá as a traditional Argentine recipe, an badertion questioned by several users and by the Paraguayan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which specified that the food was declared "intangible cultural heritage" of the country. .

"Chip, chip … Chipa! Wait, you do not know what Chipa is? We present you this delicious cheesecake from the Yabotí biosphere reserve in Argentina!", UNESCO wrote on their Twitter and Instagram profiles. The supposedly informative message resulted in an international scandal following the anger and questions from Paraguayan users.

The message that triggered the conflict between Paraguayans and Argentines (Photo: capture).

I went to bed early and today, I have breakfast at breakfast with the news that we will not go to war in Paraguay for the author of the chipa

– Tito Figallo (@TepuntoeFe)
June 14, 2019

From @Senatur_py, we justify and confirm that the chipá is an icon of the national gastronomy. It is the food of choice of all Paraguayans for over 400 years and commemorates this day every second Friday of the month of August. pic.twitter.com/JE2uveheci

– SENATUR (@Senatur_Py)
June 12, 2019

Although the chip is produced in Brazil and Argentina, among other countries in the region, Paraguay declared it a national food law in 2014. This was reported by the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a communicated to UNESCO, in which He badured that the error
"Significantly affects an intangible heritage badet" from the country.

The National Secretariat of Tourism (SENATUR) of Paraguay also added its response to the controversy:
"We confirm and confirm that the chipá is an icon of the national gastronomy, it is the favorite food of all Paraguayans for more than 400 years and commemorates its day every second Friday of the month of April. August".

After the scandal, UNESCO modified its publications and added a paragraph to correct the mistake that had outraged hundreds of users:
"In addition to being a national dish in Paraguay, behind the Yaboti Biosphere Reserve, when the community sits at the table to share a meal prepared with local ingredients, it's a way to celebrate life and impart knowledge, It shows that humans can live in harmony with nature. "

Declaration of the National Secretariat for Culture on UNESCO publications concerning Chipa, intangible cultural heritage of Paraguay. pic.twitter.com/DPp2pdafin

– SNC Paraguay (@cultura_py)
June 12, 2019

The chipá comes from Avanti Chipá, a variety of corn flour originally used by the Guarani to make this product. Beyond what Paraguay declared to be its national food, the recipe transcends the rubs and is installed in different countries of Latin America, such as Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Brazil, with elaborations similar and different names.


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