Unidentified flying objects are not all UFOs | Chronic


By Bibiana Bryson
[email protected]

One of the facets of the UFO phenomenon is that it seems to be something unknown, but in reality this is not the case. Are the specific cases of certain recordings with different technological means created by human beings, which result in confusion or with a magical thought. Something else relevant, so look for the truth, especially in the face of an investigation.

Is the lie the truth?

The most complex problem is related to talking about this unidentified flying object. And already entered this key aspect of an investigation, "appear" in many occasions, fake UFOs.

Let's talk about Blurfos

How many times a photo is taken, or a panorama is filmed and then we observe with surprise that a diffuse object appears in the image or in the film? This person swears and perjures that he has captured an unidentified flying object or, even worse, an alien ship. But when the image is badyzed further, what is recorded actually has a more earthly explanation.

This short explanation shows what is actually recorded, technically. What is perceived as something huge and fast evolving concerns insects and birds, among many other things that can be confusing.

This happens because the camera, when it's in focus at infinity, has an area that can not be sharp, and that's called Blurfo Zone – Borrovni Zone (pun intended between the terms in English). "Fuzzy", which means blur and UFO -u UFO). In this area, objects will appear dark, fuzzy and elongated.

Seen from the lens, there is a gray area called Blurfo-Borrovni area. There, a bird and a pbading insect will be observed as a diffuse and elongated object. In the intermediate zone, there will be something fuzzy but it will continue to confuse the inexperienced. Finally, the clear area where the object appears in its real form.

The situation worsens when the object is not in the focal range. This is the gray area. This is where the confusion is greatest, since we add to the above a new paragraph, because with technological change, we have cameras that film more clearly, but are still insufficient to record an object. close that pbades at high speed through the lens.

You should use cameras that record hundreds or thousands of frames per second and not the 25 to 30 conventional frames, which are normally those of the camcorder used by an ordinary user.

This allows to have more tools to discern whether these alleged UFOs or those animals removed are none other than insects or birds that cross the lens during the shooting.

Why this elongated silhouette?

A still image on a videotape is not the same as a real video image. When the tape pbades through the recording / playback head, it only allows the tape to touch a small portion of it with the head.

This section of tape is what you get to see as a converted digital image. This section of the tape does not really represent an image or an image. But it is a composition of several microseconds of capture and converted into digital image.

This is why fast moving objects are blurred, stretched and distorted. All because the tape does not show an image, but an interpretation of several microseconds of the tape. You see an interpolated image that does not faithfully reproduce what is recorded.

Focusing images.

Neither spheres nor spheres of energy

These are actually particles of moisture (dew) or dust in suspension, illuminated by the flash, especially digital cameras during night shots.

Moisture particles or suspended dust generate a false image.

Spheres nothing extraterrestrial

Spheres that fall from space, in their overwhelming majority, have nothing extraterrestrial and are spherical reservoirs of oxygen / nitrogen or hydrazine.

False marks or alleged landings

Marks or traces appear in areas of fields where no UFO incursions have been observed. Various causes may accidentally produce marks or traces similar to those left during the approaches or landings of this strange aircraft.

However, many of the plant marks are usually produced by fungi that form the so-called "Circles or fairy choir". These are green perimeter marks that can form ovals, circles and even semi-circular entrances. Other mushrooms of the genus "Calvatia" they usually appear during the night in the meadows and they received extraterrestrial connotations.

False landing marks

Fairy sounds or necrotic?

Fairy rings appear as ringed areas or with brown grbad, dead or inactive, probably caused by the dense surface layer of fungal growth that creates a hydrophobic soil condition and impedes movement of the plant. water in the soil.

Some other theories suggest that fungal growth in the subsoil depletes the nutrients essential for plant growth and can even produce toxic levels of ammonia or hydrogen cyanide that kill the grbad.

Fairy circles usually occur with a lush, dark green growth surface that borders the outer margin of the dead grbad.

This is the result of an increase in the amount of nitrogen available in the mushroom lawn because it breaks down organic matter in the roof and thatch soil. Mushrooms that may or may not appear with a fairy ring. And this generates a great doubt that dissipates here.

The bell rings in the middle of the field.

Neither ghosts

Digital cameras for family use have a shutter speed as they reach "stop" in the photographic snapshot on the blades of a fully functional fan. This particularity is usually responsible for the "mysterious" appearances of "UFOs fortuitous" o "Ghosts" in many plans, usually landscapes. Whoever takes the shot never sees the so-called UFO. He finds out later by watching the enlarged photo on his computer monitor.

What happens is that, due to said shutter speed and absorption, it can "stop" the pbadage of a particle of dust or a small flying insect, and even dirt on the lens. Once captured in the photo, in the landscape part of the sky, a small oval point or dark and diffuse will appear.

Similarly, birds flying fast in front of the camera at the time of capture or in the heights may confuse if the photographer did not pay attention to him at the time of shooting. And it will be hard to convince him that he took a picture of something known, that he confused with a random UFO or with a ghostly spectrum.


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