Unify the message of the campaign, the problems of employment and the Falklands: the stakes of the Cabinet – 26/02/2019


Jorge Faurie had already presented the topics he had presented at the Cabinet meeting that the President had chaired at Casa Rosada with his ministers. Alone, without the Minister of Finance, Nicolás Dujovne, who would initially participate in the press conference at the Hall of Indigenous Peoples, the Chancellor presented the topics that had been discussed for over an hour on the first floor of Casa Rosada.

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"In addition to the topics I've presented, we've talked about the job market, how the numbers are in this plane and the evolution of national politics these days," he said. Faurie without giving too much detail.

"National politics these days" did not include, at the meeting held at the Science Hall of Fame, the possibility that some radicals are pushing their competitors to compete in a STEP with their own candidate and against the president.

It also does not mention the name of Martin Lousteau, who seems to fill this post and who has launched a challenge to the PRO on tour in Asia. Emilio Monzó, in charge of inviting Lousteau to the tour in Asia – a detail reproached by the government – also did not refer to the principle of the agreement to discuss a new law on political financing. He remained silent and entered the meeting with a serious gesture.

Thursday night, it was confirmed that Marcos Peña had proposed to the Minister of Security of the province, Cristian Ritondo, to become the next president of the deputies, if Macri is reelected.

The radicals Luis Naidenoff, responsible for the interblock of Senators, let alone Oscar Aguad, whose son-in-law, Rodrigo de Loredo, challenged the mandate of La Rosada and ran for mayor of Córdoba under the list of " misplaced "Ramón Mestre. .

The chief of staff was in charge of talking politics. The coordinating minister said that in the coming days, the troupe would begin to be commanded with a unified message from the executive summit.

Macri will receive Thursday, a day before his speech in the Legislative Assembly, the deputies and senators of Cambiemos at the residence Olivos. He did the same thing before the beginning of each legislative year.

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Peña said next week the president would receive representatives of the ruling coalition and that By the end of March, Extended Cabinet meetings will take place, one of the privileged tools of the executive to get the message to the second and third lines of the government.

Macri's right hand also spoke of the impending National Council of the PRO, which would be held on March 11 (although it could be completed a week later). Less than six months after PASO, the government will use it to conduct an electoral badysis and will have the participation of almost all ministers.

In the midst of friction with the DUC, the next national meeting of Cambiemos has not yet a specific date. The President will hold from March more regular meetings with lawmakers in favor of the government from different provinces. "The tone will be political," they expanded to La Rosada.

Peña has concentrated almost all political badysis. Interior Minister Rogelio Frigerio, along with Mauricio Macri and the Prime Minister Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, participated in a visit to Parque Patricios in some of Procrear's 2,400 counties that were being drawn. Frigerio did not return to the Rosada because he left for Río Negro to inaugurate a work with Governor Alberto Weretilneck. and to meet the candidates for change.

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The Minister of Production, Dante Sica, spoke of the job market, which has been the highlight in recent weeks by the proliferation of precursors crisis.

"He basically explained that the job market is more dynamic than in 2015," said a minister who attended the meeting. Near Sica, for the moment, did not give details. In the Sica portfolio, they were less optimistic and specified that this Wednesday would present employment figures from the Integrated Retirement System (SIPA). "There is a deceleration of links," acknowledged the production.

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The Falklands was another subject that occupied the meeting. Faurie explained to her peers the extent of the International Criminal Court's decision against the United Kingdom in the London dispute with Mauritius over the British-controlled Chegos archipelago. The Hague Court found that decolonization was not legal. "This is very important because it ratifies on the one hand the role of the United Nations and affirms that territorial dismemberment is not acceptable in the process of decolonization, any more than the principle of self-determination (for populations such as the Malvinas).

Faurie also discusses the situation in Venezuela and details the meeting of the Lima group, which heads Argentina, as well as the incidents at the Caribbean border with Colombia and Brazil.



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