Unilever confirmed the 21 layoffs and the union paralyzed the factory


The company will not back down with the layoffs. With 16 workers already agreed to compensation, but still negotiate with the rest

On Thursday morning, the fired employees and Unilever's human resources representatives met for the last time at the local branch of the Ministry of Labor, in a last-ditch attempt to reinstate some of the workers, but the lawyers of

In this way, Unilever has yet ratified the 21 dismissals and confirmed that there are already 16 workers who received their compensation, Oscar Casco, s was the secretary of the Chemical and Petrochemical Syndicate of Zárate, who tried to recover some of his rights. the jobs lost by the adjustment of the operational structure of the factory . "

Ángel Cabezas, head of the delegation of Tr Bas Gualeguaychú, explained that" the conciliation periods are already over and both parties have been released to continue negotiations or to move to trade union action in the case of the Union. "

Cabezas also added: workers who did not agree on the amount of compensation, but these negotiations can be done informally between the company and the workers. "

At the end of the meeting, the union representative Oscar Casco denounces the company by" attack against the trade union system "and reports that the commission of a measure of force .

"He begins to conform to a strike in protest to reincorporate people who want to continue working, which is why the rest of the Unilever workers decided to paralyze the factory in solidarity with these five dismissed colleagues. "

As reported by Unilever on July 5 through a statement, the layoffs were part of 39; a process of adaptation of the operational structure of the factory Gualeguaychú.

"Unilever ratifies the strict respect of compulsory conciliation dictated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the province of Entre Ríos reaffirms its commitment to the development of the community of Gualeguaychú and the security of all its productive processes" said the statement early in the year.

"This adaptation was an extreme measure that we took after implementing changes in all other aspects of the operation and that is the only way of so that the local operation remains viable and preserve more than 220 direct jobs and more than 500 indirect jobs that we generate in Gualeguaychú ", concludes his explanation.

During Labor negotiations, Unilever employees were accompanied by their business peers. from Villa Baterías, of Larroque; Union Bat, Discopack and Silicato which was under heavy rains at 9 am in the roundabout of the Industrial Park in South Access with a caravan of more than 120 vehicles, pbading through Artigas, Del Valle and Rocamora, until On arrival at the Labor Delegation of Spain Street.

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