United Cartels recruit women for 2,000 pesos per week to stop CJNG advance


Michoacán vigilantes protected towns from the advance of the CJNG.  They used children and women as shields.  (Photo: COURTESY / José Ulises Lara Gracian)
Michoacán vigilante groups protected towns from the advance of the CJNG. They used children and women as shields. (Photo: COURTESY / José Ulises Lara Gracian)

The criminal gang United cartels, which regroups several criminal cells, tries to prevent the advance of Jalisco Next Generation Cartel (CJNG) in Michoacan, through the recruitment of suspected vigilantes, reported the Secretary of State Public Security, Israel Patron Reyes.

In MichoacanAt its peak in recent years, local criminal groups began funding civilians to prevent rival cartels from taking control of their municipalities. In an interview with The universalBoss Reyes said weeks ago a group of women appeared in Buenavista Tomatlán, suspected vigilantes, who charge between 1,500 and 2,000 pesos per week for blocking the road, setting fire to vehicles and digging ditches to prevent the CJNG from entering.

Boss Reyes told the newspaper that when the cartel is empowered it prevents the government from entering its areas of influence, but when it is diminished its strategy is for authorities to intervene through the locals. , who say they are in danger. In addition, women and children are used as human shields to defend the land.

The dispute between the two criminal organizations is palpable in any community, as in different localities the inhabitants have chosen to destroy the asphalt or dig ditches in the roads and highways used by the caravans of trucks of the Jalisco Next Generation Cartel.

(Photo: Reuters)
(Photo: Reuters)

Cárteles Unidos comes from the criminal group Los Viagras, formed by brothers Nicolás el “Gordo” and Carlos Sierra Santana. It would currently be headed by Juan Jose Alvarez Farías, the “Grandfather”, until a few years ago identified as a CJNG collaborator.

At least a dozen local criminal groups operate in the entity, including what remains of the The Valencia cartel which calls itself Los Avengers, Los Locos de la Sierra, Los Justicieros, La Vieja Guardia, Grupo H3, the El Metro group, Los Caballeros de Elite, Brazo de Oro, the El Cenizo group, Grupo Iris and The Five of the hill, and as indicated Zeta Tijuana, there are also cells of the Sinaloa Cartel.

For about 14 months, the Jalisco Nueva Generación cartel has been fighting with
For about 14 months, the Jalisco Nueva Generación cartel has been fighting with “Los Viagras” and its allies of the Carteles Unidos criminal association (Photo: JUAN JOSÉ ESTRADA SERAFÍN / CUARTOSCURO)

The most recent events regarding the advance of the CJNG in Michoacán were reported in early December last year, on the 3rd, after it started a shootout in the municipality of Cotija against the municipal police and the Mexican army in the municipality. from Los Reyes. , Tinguindín and Tocumbo. The balance was six dead, two arrested, 19 secure weapons and 30 vehicles, some home-made armored vehicles.

That same week, the lifeless bodies of five people were dumped on the Pátzcuaro-Tacámbaro highway.

On the site a narco-message attributed to organized crime, and whose content has not been disclosed by the authorities.

The first line of investigation concerns alleged disputes between criminal groups in the region. Until now, the deceased remain unknown. The bodies were transferred to the morgue, located in the town of Morelia for necropsy.


Terror in Michoacán: they found five decapitated and sifted corpses
National Guard clash in CJNG war zone left agent dead

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