United Kingdom: Army started distributing naphtha to alleviate shortages | More than 200 soldiers are affected by the operation


British Army trucks began to mobilize on Monday for replenish gas stations, due to fuel shortages. The lack of truck drivers, a problem generated after the UK’s exit from Brexit, for transport from storage points has added to the high demand generates shortages in gas stations.

After having received specific training to drive these trucks and fill the gas pumps, around 200 soldiers are mobilized as part of this operation. Initially, they will be deployed mainly in London and the south-east of England, where the main problems are concentrated.

“We are working closely with industry to help increase fuel inventories and there are signs of improving fuel station reserves around the world. UKas demand continues to stabilize, ”a government spokesperson said.

“Stocks in London and southern England are rebuilding at a somewhat slower rate than in other parts of the world. UKWe have therefore started to deploy military personnel to increase supplies in these areas, ”he added.

Although the prime minister Boris Johnson said on Sunday the situation was “calming down”, 22% of service stations in London and the south-east of England were still without fuel, said Monday the director of the association of fuel retailers, Gordon Balmer.

“We hope the situation improves this week.”Balmer told Sky News, but warned it could take up to 10 days to replenish stocks.

For more than ten days, long queues have formed in front of gas stations due to supply problems due to the lack of up to 100,000 truckers, according to industry officials.

This is a consequence of the labor shortage caused by the pandemic and Brexit, with distribution problems also affecting supermarkets, fast food chains and bars.


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