United Kingdom: “For the moment” ruled out army intervention due to naphtha shortage | The fuel crisis is a consequence of Brexit: there is a lack of truckers to supply gas stations


UK naphtha shortage worsened over the weekend because of the “panic-motivated purchases”, after the government ordered the “rationing “in fuel. The crisis responds to a consequence of Brexit and the hardening of migration: there are no drivers to drive the trucks which supply the service stations.

After the endless lines at stations, UK Environment Minister George Eustice said on Monday that “for now” the possibility of resorting to the collaboration of the Army is excluded to supply petrol stations.

Since Thursday the the oil giant BP announced the closure of some of its stations around the country due to lack of fuel, there were endless lines of vehicles with people anticipating the possible shortage. The supply crisis was observed mainly in the big cities and the capital, London.

Such is the shortage of gasoline that the British Petroleum Fuel Association (PRA) has warned that up to two-thirds of its members – around 5,500 independent service stations out of the country’s 8,000 – they had very little fuel on Sunday and the rest “was almost without anything”.


UK government actions

“We do not intend to call the army at this time, but we have always prepared a section for civilian contingencies within the army, although this is not necessarily something that we let’s do it now, ”Eustice said.

The minister explained that they are looking for instructors from the Ministry of Defense accelerate the training of carriers and thus clear the delays with people who want to take the freight trucker tests.

Faced with this situation, they also temporarily suspended the application of competition law to the fuel industry to allow companies to “sharing information “and” optimizing “the supply of service stations.



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