United Kingdom: May calls for new Brexit extension and calls for opposition


It is worth remembering that almost three years have pbaded since the referendum that decided the UK's exit from the European bloc, whose initial stipulation was March 29, and the British still do not know what the US is doing. immediate future reserves them.

For the moment, May again insisted that a divorce with the EU is an agreement, which would be the best solution to the disorder, while stating that he wanted to ask Brussels "a brief extension "for postponement of departure agreed now for April 12.

"I will ask for a further extension of the departure date, as limited as possible in time, in order to avoid the occurrence of a Brexit without agreement," said the Prime Minister.

In this context, May announced that he wanted to sit at the table with Corbyn to find a compromise to solve the problem. In case he does not find a solution, the Prime Minister would have said that it would be necessary to trust the option that would remain in Parliament.

"It is a decisive moment," concluded the month of May, moving away from the possibility of early elections and invoking the British "national interest" as a compbad.

The Prime Minister wants the EU pension agreement to be approved before May 22 to prevent the UK from participating in the European Parliament elections.

The Brexit agreement negotiated by London and Brussels was rejected three times by the Parliament and the deputies also ruled out the various options – up to eight – of the Brexit referred to in the "indicative motions", which Do not force the government, although it may be committed to taking into account Westminster's opinion.


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