United Kingdom: up to 10 years in prison for escaping …


Britain’s Health Secretary said on Tuesday he would set sentences of up to 10 years in prison for residents who return to the country and lie about their origin. after the creation of a “red list” of dangerous destinations due to the pandemic.

In this sense, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced the creation of a ‘containment package’, which costs 1,750 pounds sterling, and which UK citizens inevitably have to buy if they come from one of the 33 countries declared at risk. This pack includes the compulsory tests and the paid stay in a hotel near the international airport.

“Anyone who lies on a passenger locator form and tries to hide that they have been to a country on our Red List within 10 days of arriving here, faces a prison sentence of up to 10 years. I make no apologies for these measures as we face one of the most serious threats to our public health, ”Hancock said.

In total, the UK has recorded more than 114,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic and is the fifth country adding the most deaths globally.


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