United States: a man died after being immobilized …


Police in the Alameda Department in northern California released images showing how several agents violently reduce young Latino for more than five minutes until causing death. This new affair, described as racism, recalled the murder of the African American George Floyd which gave birth to the movement “Black Lives Matter”.

Mario Arenales González, 26, stopped breathing after an April 19 argument with police in a park in Alameda.

Police statement said González suffered from a medical emergency after officers tried to handcuff him. However, his family said he was killed by the police using unnecessarily excessive force.

They killed him the same way they killed George FloydSaid Gerardo, the victim’s brother, referring to the African-American man murdered in Minnesota in May last year by officer Derek Chauvin, who after being found guilty of murder.


The nearly hour-long video, captured with the cameras of two officers, shows the police talking to González in a parkafter receiving calls, he seemed disoriented or drunk. The young man looks dizzy and confused to answer questions from the police.

Without showing any ID, the police tried to force him to put his hands behind his back to handcuff him, but when he was resisted, they lowered him to the ground. In the footage you can see the young man lying face down as the officers put all the weight on his face and back, and they ask you to give your full name and date of birth.

Mario complained and even so they kept pushing him to the ground, everything we saw in the video was unnecessary and unprofessional, “said the victim’s brother. He added:” It was very painful to see my mother heartbroken as she watched the final moments by Mario. ”


According to official information, Mario was transferred to the hospital, where he eventually died. due to “medical complications”. An autopsy to determine the cause of death has yet to be performed, although the family have held police to account, saying police escalated what should have been a minor and peaceful encounter with an unarmed man.

The Alameda authorities have issued a statement stating that “they are committed to being fully transparent and accountable following the death of Mr. González”.

The case was under investigation by Alameda County Police, the County Attorney General and a former San Francisco City Attorney hired by the city to conduct an independent investigation. As, The three officers involved in the incident were left on paid administrative leave while the investigation is coming to an end.


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