United States accuses Huawei of bank fraud and industrial espionage – 28/01/2019


The United States Government accused Monday at the Chinese technology giant Huawei s & # 39; engage bank fraud through the violation of sanctions against Iran and the theft of trade secrets of a US rival.

In criminal trial filed in a court in Brooklyn, New York, the Justice Ministry accused Huawei, two affiliated companies and its chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, of: thirteen charges of fraud and conspiracy Pbad the sanctions on Iran.

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In addition, he revealed 10 federal charges against two subsidiaries of Huawei by technology flight to T-Mobile.

These accusations "expose the Huawei's cheeky and persistent actions for explode to US companies and financial institutions and threaten the free and fair global marketsaid FBI director Christopher Wray.

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Huawei Technologies Co., the largest smartphone manufacturer in China, has been the subject of extensive research by the US authorities who, last December, asked Canada's justice system to arrest of Meng Wanzhou, who besides being the chief financial officer of technology, is the daughter of its founder, Ren Zhengfei.

United States arrives Warning for some time to its allies (including Germany, Italy and Spain) in which military bases have been installed. dangers what is supposed use the technology of the Chinese telephone company. This is based on Washington's suspicions that Beijing uses Huawei to carry out military, industrial and political espionage activities.

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In accordance with the Pentagon's concerns, the United States Congress also hardened his rhetoric about Chinese society. It is forbidden for government employees to buy Huawei technologyWarnings were also sent to universities and businesses about the risks of badociation with the Chinese company. Some, like Republican Senator Marco Rubio, even asked that the company is prohibited from operating in the United States.

Huawei it's him world's leading manufacturer of communication technologies, and the second world seller of mobile phones, just behind Samsung. Is also leader in the development of 5G, the connection technology that will replace the current 4G.

The United States began investigating Huawei in 2012, when Chinese society began reporting to many offers develop technological platforms in the country. The yellow light He gave a report from the House of Representatives, which warned that, being bound by Chinese law, Huawei was obliged to give the Chinese government all the requested information.



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