United States: An activist against the use of chin straps has died of Covid | Caleb Wallace rejected scientific evidence on covid


One of the main activists against the use of masks and masks in the United States has died from Covid-19. It is Caleb wallace, a man of 30 years who led discredit campaigns on preventive measures against the coronavirus and other denialist actions, since the start of the pandemic.

Wallace died on Saturday, a month after entering the hospital. Caleb passed away peacefully. He will always live in our hearts and minds, ”wrote his wife Jéssica, with whom he lived in the state of Texas, he had three daughters and was expecting a fourth child.

To those who have wished death, I am sorry that your views and opinions hurt you. I prayed that he would come out with a new perspective and a greater appreciation for life. I can’t say more because I can’t speak for him, ”lamented the woman.

The man contracted the virus last July and was hospitalized for just over a month. His figure appeared after July 4, 2020 staged a protest in San Angelo, in which participants carried posters against the use of masks and business closures.

Also scientific evidence rejected on Covid-19 and the press coverage of the subject. In fact, last April, he sent a letter to the San Angelo School District, asking them to revoke all preventive measures against the coronavirus.

His wife reported Wallace’s death to the San Angelo Standard-Times. There he said that Caleb began to experience symptoms of the virus on July 26., but he refused to be tested and to go to the hospital.

To recover, he took large doses of vitamin C, zinc tablets and ivermectin, a drug promoted by the anti-vaccine sectors and initially promoted by former President Donald Trump and then by the Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro, despite the fact that experts have recommended not to use it against the coronavirus.

Caleb wallace He was admitted to the emergency room on July 30 and since August 8 he was unconscious and breathing with mechanical assistance.. He passed away last Saturday.

A day before death, his wife wrote online that Caleb “was an imperfect man, but he loved his family and daughters more than anyone”.


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