United States: Cherokee no longer want their …


One of the most famous models of jeep is the cherokee, which takes its name from one of the historic tribes of the United States. In the past few hours, Chuck Hoskin Jr, leader of the Cherokee people, has requested that the name of the vehicle be changed. “I think the time has come when the company and the teams no longer use names, pictures and mascots related to Native Americans,” he said.

The jeep is manufactured by the company Stellantis, the result of the merger of Fiat-Chrysler and the French PSA. “I am sure the intentions are good but we are not honored to have our name tied to the make of a car,” Hoskin added of a jeep that began marketing in 1974, he said. ceased to use this name for several years and took it back in 2013. For Cherokees, it is a “cultural appropriation” to use the name “Jeep Cherokee” or “Jeep Grand Cherokee”.

Hoskin discussed the matter with representatives for the manufacturer who contacted him after making statements against the use of the name. “I think we are at a time in this country when it is time for you toBusinesses and sports teams are removing the use of Native American names, images and mascots from their products, team jerseys, and sports in general.“He detailed, and didn’t hesitate to say that” I’m sure it’s done with good intentions, but we’re not honored to have our name stuck on the side of a vehicle.

Stellantis spokeswoman Kristin Starnes said in a statement that the name of the vehicle had been chosen “and cultivated over the years to honor and celebrate Native Americans for their nobility, prowess and pride.” However, he did not respond if the name change is assessed.

This is not the first time that Indigenous peoples have raised an issue like this in the United States. In fact, there are two recent antecedents. The Washington Redskins football team and the Cleveland Indians baseball team had to change the nicknames from “Redskins” and “Indians” to racist overtones and to express respect to the natives.


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