United States cleared Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine for boys ages 12 to 15


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized this Monday the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children and adolescents between 12 and 15 years old and thus broadened the reach of vaccination to several million more people, another significant step in the already massive coronavirus vaccination campaign in the United States.

The novelty, which determined that the vaccine is at least as effective for this group as it is for adultsIt was eagerly awaited, especially by parents who want to send their children to school safely. Until now, Pfizer applied to over 16s, while Moderna and Johnson & Johnson were provided to over 18s.

Now that it has been approved by the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will meet to review the decision and make the recommendation to apply it in the coming days in vaccination centers across the country. It will be a quick process because in the United States there is no longer a need to take turns and anyone can get the vaccine in pharmacies, supermarkets and even on the beach.

Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock said the move brings us one step closer to a return to a sense of normalcy and the end of the pandemic. He assured parents that the agency “Carry out a rigorous examination and comprehensive of all available data ”before giving the green light for use in adolescence.

Pfizer said in March that it had verified that the vaccine was 100% effective in clinical trials in over 2,000 adolescents and that it generated a “strong” response in children, even greater than in adults. The side effects were similar to those in the elderly.

Pfizer is also now waiting for the FDA to fully approve the use of the vaccine (not just emergency), for people aged 16 and over. This would mean another breakthrough as the federal government could enforce its application in certain areas that resist its use.

Immunization of children and adolescents is essential to achieve collective immunity of the population and reduce the level of hospitalizations and infections. Children make up about 20% of the total United States population, according to government data. Between 70% and 85% of the population Americans must be vaccinated against Covid to gain herd immunity, experts say, and some adults may refuse to be vaccinated.

In addition, it will be a big step in the mass vaccination campaign facing the government of Joe Biden, which has already applied 261 million doses.

The extension to minors will mean relief for parents from summer activities and also before school starts in September. Until now, most schools have a hybrid classroom system Virtual and face-to-face, but it is estimated that vaccination will be compulsory for all from the next cycle.

Soon there may even be news for the little ones. FDA approval for children under 12 could happen in the second half of this year. Pfizer said it hoped to seek authorization for its vaccine for use in young children in September and infants in November.

At the end of March, Pfizer and BioNTech launched a clinical trial to test their vaccine in healthy children aged 6 months to 11 years. Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, whose vaccines are licensed for people 18 years of age and older, are also testing their vaccines in younger age groups.


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