United States condemned human rights violations in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Iran and called for the release of Alexei Navalny in Russia


United States Secretary of State: Antony Blinken

The United States will seek a bank in the UN Human Rights CouncilUS diplomatic chief Antony Blinken on Wednesday announced the end of the “empty chair” policy of the Trump years.

“I am pleased to announce that the United States will seek a seat on the UN Human Rights Council for the period 2022-2024. We humbly ask for the support of all members of the UN in our desire to have a bench in this institution, ”said Blinken during a speech by video conference to the advice.

According to Blinken, Washington will use this forum to condemn the violations of powers such as China or Russia. In addition, the United States “will continue to denounce abuses in countries such as Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba or Iran”, underlined the Secretary of State during his first intervention before the Council.

The head of American diplomacy stressed that the return of the United States to the Council does not mean to recognize that it is perfect, and underlined in this regard that the UN body must reconsider “its disproportionate approach against Israel” or the fact that its members often have authoritarian regimes.

Those with the worst human rights record should not be members of this Council», Defended before a body of 47 members which currently includes in its composition countries such as Cuba, Venezuela, Russia or China.

Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Geneva.  This year it took place virtually (Reuters / archive)
Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Geneva. This year it took place virtually (Reuters / archive)

Regarding the Asian giant, Blinken assured that the United States will use its voice in the Council to denounce “the atrocities committed in Xinjiang“(Region in northwest China where the Uyghur Muslim minority is suppressed) or” when fundamental freedoms are under attack in Hong Kong. “

The Kremlin has again demanded that “the immediate and unconditional release Alexei Navalny and hundreds of other Russian citizens mistakenly detained for exercising their rights ”, and also recalled the violations of fundamental freedoms in Burma (Myanmar), Syria and North Korea.

We look forward to working with our partners in this body and with NGOs around the world to ensure that the Council fulfills its role and contributes effectively to the improvement of human rights around the world.», Summarized the head of North American diplomacy.

Blinken aseguró que la nueva Administración de Joe Biden ha puesto la democracia y los derechos humanos en el centro de su política, algo que empieza por “luchar por ellos en casa”, approachando problemas como el “sistemático racismo” de la población negra in the USA , among others. He added in this regard that the United States is committed to advancing gender equality and, generally, “will pursue a policy that ends violence and discrimination of all kinds, including for reasons of sexual orientation, gender identity or sex “.

America is not perfect, but we work every day to improve ourselves and be held accountable“, Underlined the Secretary of State, who argued that he was doing it with an openness that cannot be observed in authoritarian regimes” which violate human rights with impunity “.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (EFE)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (EFE)

In June 2018, the Trump administration announced with great fanfare that it was leaving the Geneva-based institution and the UN’s highest human rights body, accusing it of hypocrisy and of persecution of Israel.

“The United States places democracy and human rights at the center of its foreign policy, as they are essential to peace and stability,” Blinken said. “This commitment finds its roots in our own experience of an imperfect democracy and often falls short of its own ideals, but always trying to become a more united, respectful and free country”, he promised, in a tone which contrasts with that of his predecessor, Mike Pompeo.

(With information from EFE and AFP)


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