United States considers Argentina to have an “inefficient and politicized justice system”


The United States Department of State has produced an annual report on human rights in the world and said that Argentina lacks a strong judicial system to contain corruption. The document, produced by the government of the Democrat Joe biden, indicates that “executive, legislative and judicial officials have participated in corrupt practices with impunity”.

The United States presented the report on the year of the pandemic at a press conference given by the Secretary of State Antony blink and his assistant in the region, Lisa peterson, and pointed “a decline in human rights in the world”, referring to freedom of expression, equality of opportunity due to discrimination and hostilities generated at the international level by the security forces, among other aspects.

blinken human rights
Antony Blinken presented the 45th report on human rights in the world.

The annual report on human rights in the world prepared by the United States has been published 45 times and serves as an observatory for other countries on the issue.

In the first section of the section on Argentina, entitled “Respect for the integrity of persons, including liberty”, he analyzes cases of police violence in the country and highlights the efforts of the government of Alberto Fernandez to contain it, but warns against fragility in the fight against corruption.

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Weak institutions and an often inefficient and politicized justice system have undermined systematic attempts to fight corruption. Executive, legislative and judicial officials have engaged in corrupt practices with impunity, ”the report said.

The report suggests “a lack of effective implementation of the law”, while noting that “There have been several reports that the Government or its agents have committed arbitrary or unlawful killings”, with regard to human rights violations committed by the security forces.

In short, there are reports of murders and illegal and arbitrary torture at the hands of the federal and provincial police; harsh and potentially life-threatening conditions of detention; major problems linked to the independence of the judiciary; serious acts of corruption; violence motivated by anti-Semitism; and forced labor despite government efforts to combat it.

In this sense, he evokes the case of Valentino Blas suspenders, the 17-year-old who was killed by police in Cordoba, and the “manslaughter” of Jorge Martin Gomez in the city of Buenos Aires in March 2019.

Blas Correa
Valentino Blas Correa, assassinated in Cordoba on August 6, 2020.

“While the civilian authorities maintained effective control over the security forces, Several problems persist, including police killings and torture, corruption, poor prison conditions and anti-Semitic violence“, warns the text.

The White House notes that the Buenos Aires Memorial Commission Committee Against Torture reported 134 deaths in 2019 from the use of undue or excessive force by the police of the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires. Meanwhile, he cites the 401 deaths that occurred in 2019 at the hands of the police, according to a local NGO.

In turn, he expresses the “slowness of justice” in the case of the disappearance of Facundo Astudillo Castro, who was last seen on April 30, 120 kilometers from his home in White bay, shortly after police arrested him for violating the quarantine generated by Covid-19, and he was found four months later.

However, the report saves the Argentinian government’s reaction to these cases of institutional abuse and highlights measures to address these issues, although “corruption and a slow, politicized justice system have hampered efforts to investigate the abuses,” the White House says on Argentina.

“The government in general denounces the abuses and strived to train the army and security at all levels in human rightss, including through online training during the Covid-19 pandemic, ”adds the text.

Other institutional abuses

the report on human rights in the world, prepared by the State Department of the Joe Biden government, it reports on cases of corruption, gender-based violence and the prison situation in Argentina.

Specifically, the document recalls the trials of current officials and those who left office related to corruption cases. He cites corruption-related investigations against politicians such as Vice-President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, in “the case of notebooks”, and former President Mauricio Macri.

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On the human rights of detainees, information from the Federal Penitentiary Service, which reported 52 deaths of detainees in federal prisons through October 31, and the Torture Committee of the Provincial Commission of Memory of Buenos Aires which stated that 148 prisoners died in Buenos Aires province in 2019-118 from neglected health problems.

“The Ministry of Justice had not published official statistics at the national level on the deaths of prisoners since 2016”, underlines the document.

On the gender violence, the text indicates that “the national femicide registry, kept by the Women’s Office of the Supreme Court, recorded that 268 women died as a result of domestic or gender-based violence in 2019”, even having filed previous complaints.

In the meantime, he underlines that last August, the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity “declared that reports of gender-based violence increased by around 28% during COVID-19 quarantine “ and underlined the efforts of the government of Alberto Fernández in this matter.


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