United States creates AI that would predict enemy attacks “days before”


03/27/2019 Patriot missile battery in the United States INTERNATIONAL POLICY US ARMY
03/27/2019 Patriot missile battery in the United States INTERNATIONAL POLICY US ARMY

Although many people believe that the so-called Cold War ended with the dismemberment of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the truth is that there is currently a fear compared to that experienced since the 1950s in the world. However, there are weapons of mass destruction far more powerful today than those that existed seventy years ago, and IIgnoring which nation will be the first to “push the button” is a mystery that provokes terror, especially in the great world powers.

“At present, the threats we face and the pace of change in the geostrategic environment continue to advance at a truly alarming rate. We have entered an era of new and renewed strategic competition, and this time, we are up against two competitors, both armed with nuclear weapons, who confront us on a daily basis”, Said General Glen VanHerck, Commander of United States Northern Command (NORTHCOM) and North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), at a press conference.

Faced with this reality, countries like the United States, Russia, Britain and China have decided to focus their defense efforts on strategies that help prevent war rather than start it. World War II left great lessons and although the tension between nations remains intact, most are aware that to start a war could lead to a catastrophe unprecedented in the history of mankind.

One of those military strategies comes from the United States, a country that has relied on technology as a means of preventing attacks rather than countering them. This was explained by VanHerck, who reported on the progress of the Global Information Domain Experiences (GIDE), a combination of artificial intelligence (AI), high-end global sensors and cloud computing systems that promise to predict enemy movements even “days before” they happen.

“What we have seen is the ability to go much further (…) to to be reactive to be truly proactive. And I’m not talking about minutes and hours, I’m talking about days, “the US military explained.

“The ability to see days ahead creates space for decision. Decision-making space for me as an operational commander who helps me position forces and create deterrence options “

The US military has announced that it will work with Microsoft on the production phase of the augmented reality program
The US military has announced that it will work with Microsoft on the production phase of the augmented reality program

Likewise, VanHerck recalled that a few days ago his team developed a test called GIDE 3, which was based on “Lots of contested logistics, to give us a scenario where maybe a line of communication like the Panama Canal can be challenged.”

“This allowed us to quickly collaborate between the 11 combatant commands and across the department to see this data and information,” he added.

Finally, in the conversation with the media, the US military noted that its country’s military is changing the focus of the “mechanisms of pure defeat for the defense of the homeland”, in this way to be able to take “Actions earlier, deter and deny out of conflict”.

“GIDE accelerates decisions and offers proactive options by making new technologies more accessible and more efficient”, he concluded.

Could this be the new “radar” that stops attacks between nations or, on the contrary, will it become the most powerful weapon of the United States to increase its power over other world powers? The new cold war continues to advance.


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