United States: for the Delta variant, they recommend wearing the mask again | Even for people who have been vaccinated


The The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Tuesday recommended resuming the use of masks in areas of high transmission of the coronavirus, including those already vaccinated, to alleviate another disturbing outbreak attributed to the Delta variant.

“In areas with high transmission, the CDC recommends that fully vaccinated people wear masks in closed public places to help prevent the spread of the Delta variant,” agency director Rochelle Walensky said, on the measure taken in the country with the most deaths and infections due to the coronavirus pandemic. The official added that the measure includes to pupils of “primary and secondary schools” as well as to teachers.

Shortly after the recommendation, President Joe Biden said the government was considering requiring all public employees to be vaccinated. “It’s under study at the moment, and if they’re not vaccinated, they’re not as smart as I thought,” he added. raised by the president when asked if his administration was considering such a plan.

Cases of this mutation, which originated in India, spread faster and considered the most dangerous than any known, andequivalent to over 80% of new infections recorded in the last two weeks in the United States, according to CDC data.

The dreaded variant forced the executive to maintain restrictions on international travel. The leading world power accumulates 34.5 million infections and 611,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic, according to the latest health report. These figures maintain the country with more deaths, followed by India and Brazil.


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