United States identified the brain of the AMIA attack


His name is Salman Raouf Salman and is an Iranian linked to the terrorist group Hezbollah.

By Mariano Spezzapria, from San Martin Palace

The United States government today said that Iranian Salman Raouf Salman was behind the terrorist attack against the AMIA, which killed 85 people on the 18th. July 1994, 25 years ago.

This was confirmed this afternoon at the Argentine Foreign Ministry in Buenos Aires by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was able to confirm THE DAY instead.

In closing a continental conference on terrorism, Pompeo even announced that the Donald Trump government would offer a $ 7 million reward to people providing information about Salman's whereabouts.

According to the top US official, Salman would be a member of the Hezbollah organization, which the Argentine government has just included in the list of terrorist groups.


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