United States joins COVAX distribution program …


The CEO of World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, celebrated the return of the United States to the international agency announced by President Joe Biden’s brand new administration. “It’s a great day for this body and for global health,” Ghebreyesus said. The country too will join the COVAX program to distribute coronavirus vaccines.

“We are very pleased that the United States remains in this family,” added the Director-General of WHO, who stressed that the role of this country in global health “is really crucial”.

Shortly after assuming the presidency, Biden on Wednesday issued an executive order for avoid leaving your WHO country, a process that Trump began in July of last year and was to become effective a year later, the same month of 2021

In addition, the United States government has announced that joins the COVAX program, the international fund for distribute vaccines in countries with fewer resources. The decision was communicated by Anthony Fauci, the senior infectious disease specialist at the White House and chosen by Biden to represent the country on the WHO Executive Committee.

Fauci explained that the United States “will join international work on the pandemic, and for this reason, the president will issue today a directive that contemplates the incorporation of the United States into the COVAX program.”

According to Ghebreyesus, the incorporation of the United States into the vaccine distribution program is excellent news which means that “the world will be better equipped” to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus.


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