United States: Los Angeles County to Require Use of Masks in Closed Spaces Again Due to Rise in Coronavirus Cases


Los Angeles County residents will be required to wear masks in enclosed public spaces (Photo: REUTERS)
Los Angeles County residents will be required to wear masks in enclosed public spaces (Photo: REUTERS)

Given the alarming increase in coronavirus cases due to the rapid spread of the Delta variant, Los Angeles County will once again require the use of masks in enclosed public spaces.

“We are not where we need to be for the millions of people at risk of infection here in Los Angeles County, and waiting to do something will be too late given what we are seeing now.”, the doctor told the press on Thursday Mount Davis.

This measure will take effect from 11.59pm next Saturday. As the North American official indicated, there will be some exceptions, but the order will be similar to that it was in effect prior to the reopening of the state of California on June 15.

The doctor has meanwhile warned that the rule will remain in effect “until we see improvements” in community transport balance sheets.

Davis argued that the use of masks in confined spaces is one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of the virus, without interrupting operations in the business Yes stores, and thus prevent many people from stopping work.

However, he clarified that if the situation does not reverse, the authorities will not hesitate to apply new measures to prevent an even larger epidemic: “It’s all on the table if things continue to get worse, and that’s why we want to act now.”

Los Angeles County, the most populous in the country, has recorded in recent days a alarming increase coronavirus cases. According to data released on Wednesday last week, the county reported an average of 1,077 new cases per day. According to data collected by Los Angeles Times, this represents an increase of 261% over the previous two weeks. As of Thursday, Davis reported 1,537 new cases daily.

Authorities in Los Angeles have reiterated the call for everyone to get vaccinated to prevent another outbreak due to the widespread spread of the Delta variant (Photo: REUTERS)
Authorities in Los Angeles have reiterated the call for everyone to get vaccinated to prevent another outbreak due to the widespread spread of the Delta variant (Photo: REUTERS)

Following the strong distribution of the Delta variant, other counties in the state are also urging residents to take extra precautions. This week, Sacramento and Yolo County health officials called for the use of masks in closed public places, though none have made it mandatory so far.

Olivia kasirieThe Sacramento County public health official said that “the dramatic increase in the number of cases is worrying, as is the number of people who choose not to be vaccinated.”

“Our best protection against COVID-19 is still the vaccine. We urge all eligible residents to get vaccinated to protect themselves, and their family and friends. “said in a statement.

The California Department of Public Health, for its part, has expressed support for local health departments, such as Los Angeles County, “adopt more stringent policies based on the conditions of their community ”.

Although the compulsory wearing of the mask is independent of the vaccination status of the residents, the departmental authorities recalled that “vaccines remain the best protection“Against the coronavirus. All the more so at a time when the Delta variant threatens strong regrowth.

The increase in the number of cases from a week ago in the United States (Photo: Johns Hopkins Univ.)
The increase in the number of cases from a week ago in the United States (Photo: Johns Hopkins Univ.)

We urge all eligible people to get vaccinated as it is the most important thing we can do to stop the spread of the virus.“, Said health officials in a statement to Los Angeles Times.

This week, the White House’s top epidemiologist, Antoine Fauci, indicated that in counties where coronavirus rates are currently the highest, there is a direct correlation with the fact that the vast majority of residents are not vaccinated: “Over 99% of people who died from COVID-related causes in June were not vaccinated”.

The doctor Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), explained that the rise of the Delta variant, which originated in late 2020 in India, means that “we are seeing an increase in hospitalizations and deaths among unvaccinated people”. In this sense, he reported that more than 99% of all deaths from COVID-19 in June were among unvaccinated people.

About a third of Americans are not fully immunized and vulnerable to the Delta variant. Our fight against this virus is not over», Assured the president Joe biden at a press conference last week.

Read on:

Coronavirus cases on the rise in most of the United States due to the Delta variant

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