United States: Mass protest for the right to abortion | The first women’s march of the Biden era


The Women’s March is back on the streets in the United States with thousands of people gathered in different cities after a strong anti-rights offensive in the state of Texas passed a law last month banning abortion from six weeks gestation. The regulations do not make exceptions in cases of rape or incest.

Thousands of people participated in the Women’s March on Washington to protest against Texas law. Protesters gathered in the Plaza de la Libertad in the US capital. “We should be able to decide what to do with our own bodies, period”said Laura Bushwitz, 66, a retired teacher.

About 200 organizations defending the right to abortion joined the demand after the entry into force of the law prohibiting the termination of pregnancy from six weeks gestation on September 1, when many people still do not know they are pregnant. The regulation also allows any citizen to sue doctors and clinics when they suspect that the person has had an abortion outside the set time limit.

While the main event was in Washington, the Women’s March was replicated across the country after the risk of the ban on abortion in one of the states, despite the fact that this right was recognized half a century ago in the Roe vs Wade case. Across the country, around 240,000 people were mobilized in some 600 cities such as New York, Chicago, Jackson, San Francisco and Miami.

“We are fighting to make abortion not only legal but also accessible and free of stigma”Organizers said in a statement, asking Congress to enshrine the right to abortion in federal law to protect it from a possible Supreme Court overturn.

“This year, we are united”, say the organizers. “We are returning to the streets for the first time in the Biden era because with the change of the Oval Room (of the White House) the politicized, perverse and patriarchal desire to control our bodies has not ended.”they added.

A report released by Planned Parenthood, a family planning organization in the United States, found that while the US court overturns the sentence in Roe v. Wade, some 36 million women in 26 states would lose the right to abort.


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