United States reiterates in new report that Chinese regime is committing genocide against Uyghurs


FILE PHOTO: A Chinese police officer at his roadside booth near what is officially called a vocational education center in Yining, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China (Photo: REUTERS)
FILE PHOTO: A Chinese police officer at his roadside booth near what is officially called a vocational education center in Yining, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China (Photo: REUTERS)

The Biden government on Monday reiterated genocide allegations against China for the suppression of Uyghur Muslims and other minorities in the northwestern Xinjiang region.. He also warned of possible sanctions against Eritrea, Ethiopia, Myanmar and South Sudan for ethnic cleansing in the conflicts in which they are involved.

The announcement follows the release of the State Department’s annual report to Congress on the Prevention of Genocide and Atrocities, which calls on the federal government to Describe the measures you take to prevent and stop such actions abroad.

This administration will defend and protect human rights around the world and recognizes that the prevention of atrocities is a central national security interest and a fundamental moral responsibility.me, ”he said.

The United States reiterates its complaints about China’s actions against the Uyghurs, which constitute a “genocide”. The allegations against China were first made by the administration of former President Donald Trump, as was the determination that Myanmar was involved in a “ethnic cleansingAgainst Muslims connect in its northern state of Rakhine.

The report also notes Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s determination that “The People’s Republic of China commits genocide and crimes against humanity against Uyghurs, who are predominantly Muslim, and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang”.

These crimes include imprisonment, torture, forced sterilization and persecution, according to the report. President Joe Biden’s administration has complied and extended Trump-era sanctions for alleged atrocities, the report warns.

Uyghur prisoners in China

The report also notes that Myanmar remains particularly exposed to the risk of genocide.. On what is happening in the Asian country, the United States will continue to coordinate with its allies and partners to pressure the military regime to end any repression, including the anti-dissent measures that followed a coup. state in February, as well as violence against the Rohingya. .

The report also criticizes Eritrea and Ethiopia for ethnic cleansing in their crackdown on dissent in the western region of Tiger. Blinken in March told Congress the actions there amounted to a “ethnic cleansing”. Since then, the administration has demanded the total withdrawal of Eritrean forces from Tigray and imposed travel bans on some officials.

In other parts of Africa, the report cited deteriorating conditions in South Sudan, where it said the government “carried out extrajudicial killings, including ethnically motivated killings of civilians, widespread sexual violence and the use of food as war weapon”.

“Those responsible for human rights violations South sudan they must be held accountable, ”he said.

The report says the Biden administration will continue to support efforts to bring activists into the Islamic state brought to justice for atrocities committed against religious minorities in Iraq Yes Syria. He also reiterated the United States’ commitment to hold Syrian dictator Bashar Assad and his government accountable for the abuses.

(With AP information)

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