United States. The controversy over the black doll must be launched against the wall | Chronic


The sale of African-American dolls, created as an anti-stress method against a wall, has been controversial in New Jersey.

The dolls, made of black fabric, have on their heads red, green, black and yellow threads that look like dreadlocks. Instructions for its use appear on the front.

"When things are not going well and you want to hit the wall and scream, here is" the doll, feel better ", without which you can not go from the front. hold firmly by the legs and find a wall while you fight, "the doll feels better", do not forget to shout: "I feel good, I feel good" "he reads on the label.

"This doll is shocking and disturbing on many levels"The Member wrote on his Facebook account Angela McKnight, which represents the American city of Bayonne. The woman accuses the manufacturer of racism dolls. "This is clearly an inappropriate representation of a black person and encourages people to" beat her "and" beat her. " "Racism does not belong in the world and I will not tolerate it, especially in this district."he commented.

For its part, the mayor of the city, Jimmy Davis, calls them "insensitive". "We will not tolerate any symbol of hate and division in our community"he added.

After receiving a wave of criticism, the dolls were removed from the sale.


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