United States: the mysterious disease that attacks those who "smoke" electronic cigarettes


The number of cases serious respiratory diseases suffered from people who vape According to health officials in the United States, it has exceeded 200 in 22 states. A fatal case has already been confirmed in Illinois and a second death is under study.

All diseases were detected in teens and the adults who used a electronic cigarette or another vaping team. The doctors point out that the diseases are like inhalation lesions, in which the lungs apparently react to a corrosive substance.

The state of Oregon health agency announced this week that it was investigating the second possible death mentioned above. bound to the electronic cigarette, that of a man who died in July. "We still do not know the exact cause of these diseases, whether they are caused by contaminants, ingredients in the liquid or something else," they said.

The symptoms of the deceased person corresponded to those of more than 200 similar cases. The death occurred less than two weeks after officials said last August that "a patient with severe lung disease died after vaporizing an electronic cigarette". An important fact is that, in the case of the deceased from Oregon, he used an electronic cigarette containing marijuana.

"Available evidence suggests that the origin is not an infectious disease," experts said.

Patients had symptoms such as shortness of breath, apnea and chest pain Before your hospitalization. Some cases had gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea.

According to health authorities, many patients, including those who died in Illinois, admitted to having recently consumed "tetrahydrocannabinol"

The American Vaping Association, who defends the alleged virtues of electronic cigarettes as an "alternative to tobacco, emphasized the possibility that they"cartridges tetrahydrocannabinol manufactured in an amateur manner and obtained on the black market "which caused the first death.

They finally added that "the cause final lung lesions until the official investigation is completed. "


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