United States to send representative to Haiti to establish conditions for “free and fair” elections


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (Photo: EFE)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (Photo: EFE)

The US Secretary of State, Antoine Blink, spoke by phone this Thursday with the new Prime Minister of Haiti, Ariel henri, to whom he stressed the importance of establish the conditions necessary to organize “as soon as possible” legislative and presidential elections “free and fair”.

In a statement, State Department spokesman Ned Price reported on the conversation, in which Blinken reiterated Washington’s commitment to support the Haitian people after the “heinous” assassination of the president of that country, Jovenel Moise., occurred at dawn on July 7.

The US foreign minister further expressed to Henry –who took office on Tuesday, the day after the resignation of interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph– The need of “Seek broad political and civil society consensus on government priorities.”

For his part, Blinken spoke on his Twitter account of the dialogue he had with the Haitian Prime Minister and He called it “pleasure” to have spoken of how the administration of US President Joe Biden can “help Haiti face its urgent challenges.”

“The United States is committed to working with the government of Haiti to meet the needs of the Haitian people and support democratic institutions in HaitiAdded the Secretary of State.

The US State Department announced the appointment of Daniel Foote on Thursday, career diplomat, as special envoy for Haiti, whose objective will be to “To facilitate long-term peace and stability” in the country.

Moise supporter at a mass in honor of the assassinated president in Port-au-Prince (Photo: REUTERS)
Moise supporter at a mass in honor of the assassinated president in Port-au-Prince (Photo: REUTERS)

Price explained that Foote will have to interact with Haitian and international partners of the United States also to support the holding of “free” and “fair” presidential and legislative elections in Haiti.

It will also work with partners to coordinate assistance efforts in various areas, including humanitarian and security.Price says. In addition, Foote “will work with civil society and private sector actors to seek Haiti-led solutions to the challenges the country faces.”

During his inauguration speech on Tuesday, Henry pledged to promote “sincere” dialogue with the opposition and with other sectors of civil society to find a solution to the crisis triggered by the murder of Moses.

In addition, he said he will focus on creating the conditions for the organization of the elections, which are “other bugs”.

Last June, Haiti’s electoral authorities announced that a referendum to approve a new Constitution, a project promoted by Moïse, would take place on September 26, the same date as the presidential and legislative elections.

This Thursday, a mass was celebrated in the Cap-Haitien Cathedral, in the north of Haiti, in honor of Moise, whose funeral will be held tomorrow in this city.

A member of the security during the mass in honor of Moise in Port-au-Prince (Photo: REUTERS)
A member of the security during the mass in honor of Moise in Port-au-Prince (Photo: REUTERS)

“Too much blood is shed in Haiti,” said a priest during the religious service in honor of Moses, while authorities have warned there will be more violence ahead of the funeral.

Father Jean-Gilles Sem addressed dozens of people wearing white T-shirts decorated with the portrait of Moses. “Stop the murders and kidnappings”, He declared, and underlined that the poor populations are the most affected. “We are tired”.

The cathedral in Cap Haitien, on the island’s north coast, was barely half full, and authorities warned they could cancel planned events in the following hours for fear of violence.

The followers of Moses they interrupted the mass with screams and accusations that the elite killed the president.

A man who identified himself as Jean Jovie, who was with others, said that there would be more violence if wealthy members of Port-au-Prince’s elite attended the ceremonies.

“We ask you not to come to the funeral”, He said. “If they come, we will cut off their heads. We will draw our weapons from underground… We want justice for Moses ”.

For the time being, 26 people arrested for their alleged involvement in the assassination and there are at least seven police officers “in isolation”, although they have not been officially detained, for their alleged involvement in the case.

(With information from EFE, AP and Europa Press)


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