United States: triple record of cases, deaths and hospitalized patients for Covid


United States, one of the countries most affected by coronavirus, set a new record. Three, to tell the truth: on Thursday 3, they signed up 217,000 new cases of coronavirus, nearly 2,900 deaths and more than 100,000 hospital patients.

Are exactly 217,664 coronavirus cases reported in the past 24 hours. These data exceed the previous record of infections of November 27 (205,000 positive). The information is derived from the Johns Hopkins University (JHU).

In the same period I diedn 2,879 people according to JHU who in turn initially reported that the country had recorded 3,157 coronavirus deaths in the previous 24 hours, but last night revised downwards, to leave it in 2,804 dead.

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With the new data, the balance of the pandemic stands at more than 14.1 million infections Yes 276,366 dead. In turn, on Thursday 3, the United States reached a record 100,667 people hospitalized with coronavirus.

The pandemic has also hit unemployment hard: the rate fell to 6.7% in the United States in November But job creation is losing speed in an economy threatened by the advance of the coronavirus. The American economy created 245 thousand jobs in November, well below expectations.

And although the unemployment rate has fallen by 6.9% to 6.7% in a month there is still 10.7 million unemployed, in addition to those who have stopped looking for work.

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Analysts expected him to joinn 650 thousand jobs on the market last month, but several economists had previously warned that the figure could be much lower due to indicators that hiring was slowing due to the spread of the virus.

Another worrying data is the number of long-term unemployed and that of November has increased by 385 thousand to a total of 3.9 million people.

At Ga CP


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