United States: Trump clarified that the election will not end …


The campaign team Donald trump assured this Friday that the presidential election of United States “It’s not over yet”, after the Democratic candidate, Joe biden, will overtake the Republican president in scrutiny of the key state of Pennsylvania.

This election is not over. The flawed projections that give Joe Biden the winner are based on the outcome of four states that are far from definitive, “Trump’s campaign manager said in a statement, Mast Morgan.

So far, none of the mainstream media has attributed the victory to the Democrat. However, the vote count in Pennsylvania gives him a victory in Pennsylvania this would allow him to impose himself definitively in the White House.

The trend was also reversed this Friday in Georgia in favor of Biden, but by an extremely tight margin of around 1,000 votes.

Trump’s campaign team denounced that in Georgia there are “irregular ballots“and assured that when the recount is done” Trump will finally win “in this state.

In a similar vein, Morgan pointed out that they exist “irregularities in Pennsylvania, including the fact that election officials prevented our legitimate volunteer observers from gaining meaningful access to the counting centers, ”Morgan added.

Additionally, the campaign manager said that in Nevada, where Biden is leading Trump, “thousands of people voted irregularly by mail.”

“Finally, the president is about to win ArizonaMorgan said, again accusing Fox News and the Associated Press of calling Biden the winner in that state while other US media were still waiting to make a decision.

Biden relies on these states to falsely claim the White House, but at the end of this election President Trump will be re-electedMatt Morgan concluded.

The Republican camp has increasingly taken legal action, and Trump has accused Democrats of wanting to “steal” the election, but without providing any evidence of the alleged fraud.


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