United States: Trump gives in to pressure and accepts Democrats' offer to lift the closure


WASHINGTON.- After 35 days without progress, the President of the United States,

Donald Trump

He gave in and accepted a temporary agreement with the Democratic opposition in Congress to lift the federal government's "partial closure" for three weeks, while negotiating an agreement to strengthen security at the Mexican border.

The Democrats had made the same offer before closing, but Trump had refused, determined to try to earn nearly 6 billion US dollars to start building a wall on the border with Mexico, his biggest campaign promise.

Now, under the pressure of the oldest federal government collateral effects in history, and with its hard-hit popularity in recent days, Trump has chosen to accept the Democrats' conditions and has postponed, for the time being, his demand for To get money for a wall. Trump has threatened to return to "shut down" the government or declare the state of national emergency in the absence of progress.

"The walls should not be controversial," said Trump.

This agreement meant a triumph for Democrats and a heavy defeat for Trump who, after repeatedly pledging that he would remain firm and threaten a year-end closure, ended empty-handed without getting anything back afterwards. more than a month of pulling. The turn enraged his supporters to the far right.

"Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: to date, he's no longer the weakest person at the post of President of the United States," tweeted Ann Coulter, referring to the former president, a moderate Republican who had raised taxes to make up for the fiscal deficit.

The agreement will bring relief, albeit temporary, to the 800,000 civil servants who have been suspended or who work without receiving their salary. These workers will receive their retroactive salary. Yesterday, FBI director Chris Wray raised the pressure by posting a video for his employees in which he said he was "angry for a long time" following the closure of the channel and asking for a solution to the problem. "dispute resolution policy".

Beyond the public administration, the closure of the federal government had already begun to leave traces and spread collateral effects on the daily lives of Americans. Businessmen and farmers have struggled to receive help from the state just like low income families. Some airports have experienced longer delays on the security lines due to the lack of personnel of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). In recent days, consultants and badysts have already begun to warn of the economic impact of a sustainable "closure".

The drop that has overflowed the window: flights delayed due to the lack of air traffic controllers.

Because of all this, the political cost to the White House was beginning to be difficult to overcome. All polls showed that Trump's historically low popularity had been compromised by his stubborn determination to obtain some US $ 6 billion to start building his "steel wall or barrier".

"We have no choice but to build a wall or a steel barrier, and if we do not have an agreement with Congress, the government will close again on February 15 or take measures to deal with this emergency, "warned Trump.


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