United States: two governors ordered an end to restrictions


The United States, the country most affected by the coronavirus pandemic, has called on its citizens to maintain measures to reduce infections, despite restrictions lifted in some states, such as the mandatory use of face masks.

“Now is not the time to lift all restrictions,” he told a press conference. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), the country’s leading federal public health agency.

The health authority said “every individual has the power to do the right thing, regardless of what states decide,” and urged the population “continue to wear a mask and respect social distance”.

Given the progress of the vaccination campaign, Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott, announced yesterday the end of compulsory chinstrap wear and the reopening of all stores from next week.

It’s time to reopen “100%”, he said, after assuring that the second most populous state in the country already had “the means to protect” its inhabitants.

The governor, also Republican of Mississippi, Tate reeves, today decided to follow the same path by broadcasting a categorical tweet expressing that “It’s time!”.

Although the daily new cases are lower than a few weeks ago nationwide, Walensky was concerned about some signs of “recoil”.

“The averages for the past seven days show a slight increase in the number of new infections and deaths“, alert.

“Fatigue is winning, and the measures we have taken precisely to stop the pandemic are taken today ignored too often blatantly, ”lamented the head of the CDC, quoted by the AFP news agency.

The world’s leading power is the hardest hit by the pandemic, with 28.7 million sick and 516,000 deaths, according to the latest report from the Ministry of Health.

Source: Tlam


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