United States vs. Mexico: Trump rejects proposal and imposes tariffs


"It looks like we're heading to the rates"said Mercedes Schlapp, head of communications at the White House, Fox News. Trump threatened last week to apply levies on all Mexican imports starting Monday, starting at 5% and increasing each month up to 25%, if Mexico does not stop the migratory wave to the north.

On the other hand, the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, announced Thursday that it would be Saturday at the Tijuana border to "defend the dignity" of the country, while the White House insisted that Mexico was not doing enough to put an end to it to illegal immigration and thus increase the likelihood of imposition of customs duties.

López Obrador will be stationed on the busiest border of the United States two days before US President Donald Trump, if he specifies his quarrel, gives the initial rate of 5% to all Mexican exports, unless Mexico stop the increasing flow of migrants from Central America to the United States.

"It is an act of unity that defends the dignity of Mexico and in favor of friendship with the people of the United States".said the president at the usual morning press conference and a few moments before the resumption of meetings of the Mexican and American authorities in Washington to avoid the imposition of customs duties that can reach a maximum of 25% from 1 October . .

However, the White House said Thursday that Mexico was not doing enough to stop the migration.

"It looks like we're heading for tariffs," White News agency chief Mercedes Schlapp told Fox News.

Earlier, López Obrador had reaffirmed his confidence in reaching an agreement with Washington to avoid the application of customs duties. "I am optimistic, we will reach an agreement, we have said, the best thing is the dialogue," he said.

It should be noted that the migration of Central Americans is increasing despite the operations of the Mexican authorities and threats from Trump, who since the 2016 presidential campaign has promoted the construction of a border wall with the Mexico to put an end to this phenomenon.

More than 144,000 migrants, mostly from Central America, were arrested in May at the Mexican border, 32% more than in April, and the arrival rate of immigrants undocumented, which stands at 677,000 since October, is the highest level since 2006, according to official US figures released before the start of negotiations.


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