United States: “We are in no rush to lift the sanctions against the Maduro regime”



President Joe Biden’s administration is in no rush to lift US sanctions against Venezuela, but would consider easing them if Nicolás Maduro takes confidence-building measures and shows he is ready to negotiate seriously with the opposition.

We are in no rush to lift the sanctionsA White House official told Reuters. “If the regime takes confidence-building measures that show it is ready and willing to engage in meaningful talks with the opposition … if it is ready to take serious action, then we will consider easing the sanctions.“.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, did not specify what steps Maduro should take, but said that he could not be allowed to use the negotiations as a “delaying tactic” consolidate power and divide the opposition, as it has been accused of doing in the past.

Noting that the new US president is unlikely to loosen the screws on Venezuela in the near term, the source stressed that the existing sanctions contain enough special provisions to allow humanitarian aid shipments to help Venezuelans to face economic hardships and the COVID-19 pandemic. But the official said that Maduro’s regime “actively prevented the delivery of humanitarian aid”.

Esto sugiere que, por ahora, Biden está preparado para cumplir con las sanciones específicas, incluidas las sanciones al sector petrolero, impuestas por el ex presidente Donald Trump at the nación of OPEC, a pesar de que no logró forzar a Maduro a abandonar el power. But Biden, on the other hand, intends to move away from the largely one-sided approach of Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign and enlist more countries to help seek a diplomatic solution.the official said in an interview.

The Biden administration has made it clear that will continue to recognize the opposition Juan Guaidó as the legitimate leader of Venezuela.

Juan Guaidó (Reuters)
Juan Guaidó (Reuters)

Dozens of countries backed Guaidó’s claim after Maduro was re-elected in 2018 in a vote Western governments called a sham, though cracks have recently emerged in international support for the opponent.

Maduro, who says Guaidó is an American puppet, showed no sign of giving in. With support from the military, as well as from Russia, China, Cuba and Iran, Maduro has rejected or ignored previous demands. such concessions.

Look towards Cuba

The Biden administration also appears to have little urgency for gestures toward Cuba despite hopes of a softer approach after Trump reversed former President Barack Obama’s historic detente with Havana.

Some Biden advisers have previously suggested it could start by easing the flow of Cuban-Americans’ remittances and easing restrictions on family travel to the island.

But while acknowledging that such changes could have a positive impact, the official said that a policy shift towards Cuba was not currently a top priority for Biden, which include the coronavirus pandemic, economic recovery and rebuilding alliances abroad.

“Frankly, first of all,” the official said.

There are also no signs of immediate plans to revoke Cuba’s designation as a terrorist sponsor state, although Biden officials have said Trump’s last-minute decision to send Havana back to the country. US blacklist was under review.

(With information from Reuters)


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