United States: why not fight against the third wave?


The main person in charge of the fight against the coronavirus in the United States, Anthony Fauci, warned this Sunday that the country is going in the “wrong direction” to counter the ravages of the third wave of Covid-19, which has spread with the Delta variant and the reluctance of many Americans to receive the vaccine.

“It’s really a pandemic among the unvaccinated, so it’s mostly a problem among them, that’s why we’re here, practically pleading unvaccinated people go out and get vaccinated“, said Fauci CNN.


Asked whether the US could re-register peaks of up to 4,000 daily deaths due to the coronavirus, Fauci warned that if these figures are reached, the most affected would be unvaccinated people, or about half of the population.

“I don’t know if it will be the worst case, but it will not be good. We are going in the wrong direction, ”he lamented.

According to data from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), thirty states have yet to provide the two doses vaccine to half of its residents.

Fauci also did not rule out the possibility of giving a third dose of the vaccine, mainly to those at risk., because the increasing increase in re-infections in those who had reached the full pattern “may lead us in this direction”, so “it will probably happen”.

At the same time, Fauci also defended the decision of local authorities, such as those in Los Angeles County, Calif., To decree the compulsory use of the chinstrap in enclosed spaces for those who have received both doses of the vaccine and ensure that such guidelines “are not inconsistent” with those of the CDC because they answer a question of “caution”.

This week, CDC director Rochelle Walensky again stressed that there is no need for vaccinated people to use the mask, although she acknowledged that doing so has “some benefits.”

Last week, the United States posted its worst numbers in three months, with a fourfold increase in weekly cases. compared to the previous month, especially for the delta variant, responsible for most of the new infections, recorded especially in states with low vaccination rates.


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