Universal health: Gerardo Morales' plan to charge foreigners was frustrated


Governor Gerardo Morales was upset by his plan to seek medical care abroad as a result of the agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Bolivia.

February 26, 2019

After the controversy that generated the demand for payment of medical care promoted by the governor of Jujuy, Gerardo Morales and that generated an exchange with the government of Evo Morales, the two countries seem to have reached an agreement.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the two governments agreed that "The Argentineans who are the Bolivian territory, whatever their immigration status, are treated universally and free", as it happens otherwise.

The first steps of this agreement took place after a meeting of the Bolivia-Argentina Technical Working Group on Health. In this meeting, which took place on Monday, the authorities of both ministries participated Foreign Affairs, Health Portfolio and Corporate Governance Jujuy

To integrate

Although they are still working on the details of this cooperation agreement, once it is finished, will be officially announced in a videoconference. They believe this will happen in March.

The controversy returned to the table after Manuel Vilca, A 35-year-old Argentine musician who had an accident in Bolivia and had to pay for medical care. This provoked a tough diplomatic battle between the president of this country, Evo Morales, and Governor Morales. The head of the province complains of the lack of reciprocity, because Bolivians who are serving in Argentina should be discharged from any obligation in public hospitals.

The governor pointed out that this difference "is unfair" and the fact that Vilca received an "inhuman tattoo". Outraged, he spread the pieces of payment and he explained what this patient had to pay for his hospitalization. They even loaded him with toilet paper.

Subsequently, Vilca denied the statements of the provincial president, saying that he had made a good deal.


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