University professors will not initiate guild courses and analysis measures


After the winter holidays, the start of clbades will be complicated for public higher education. De Adiunne has confirmed their adherence to the cessation of activities convened by Historic Conadu. At primary and secondary level, the Single Union of Education Workers of Corrientes (Suteco) badyzes similar measures.
Teachers and researchers from the country nuclearized in Conadu Histórica decided Friday not to start the second semester. This will affect clbades, as well as research and extension tasks. In Corrientes and Chaco, the Association of Teachers and Researchers of the Northeast National University (Adiunne) has joined.
After developing a plan of struggle including 19 days of unemployment, two national marches and multiple activities across the country, Adiunne made a public consultation at the Northeast University Teaching on Force Measurements to follow, leading to majority support not to start clbades.
"The adopted decision expresses the fatigue and anger against the wage freeze actually imposed by the national government.His last call to the sector's joint committee took place two months ago and it has maintained the offer of a 15% increase in four installments.In May, unilaterally and without consultation, the education portfolio granted a 5% advance as "tip," they said yesterday in a statement.
"To this is added the devaluation of the salary and the under-execution of the budget. In fact, this constitutes a financial stranglehold that prevents the proper functioning of the study houses, as stated by the UTN High Council in a recent resolution, "they said.
University professors and researchers have ratified the wage increase of 30 percent, plus trigger clause for the revision of wages for inflation.They also demand the actual accomplishment of the agreed work collective , the regularization of engaged teachers and ad honorem, as well as the budget for the university, science and technology.
At the primary and secondary level, de Suteco they informed that during the winter holidays the national congress of the Central Workers of Education of the Argentine Republic will be held (Ctera). "There will be definite measures for the beginning of the courses. It will be a beginning of tension and unemployment, "said Suteco Secretary General, Fernando Ramírez.
The union leader, also noted that Ctera has transmitted to the international education for cases of police repression to Corrientes and Chubut … "This transcends the borders of our country," said the unionist. "There was repression at a teacher demonstration. They did not let us set up the tent. There were blows and rifle butts, "said the union leader.
Meanwhile, five other provincial teacher unions are hoping to open negotiations at the Corrientes Ministry of Finance.

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