Unlike Argentina, Chile condemned the crackdown in Cuba: “There is no justification for promoting measures that attempt to silence citizens”


Sebastián Piñera's government differed from Alberto Fernández's leadership
Sebastián Piñera’s government differed from Alberto Fernández’s leadership

The government of Sebastien Piñera at Chile differed on Tuesday from the position taken by the management of Alberto Fernandez these last hours, concerning the delicate social situation that the Cuban people are going through and repression demonstrations ordered by the Castro dictator Miguel Diaz-Canel in Cuba.

By a statement entitled “Declaration of the Government of Chile on the latest events in Cuba”, the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commissioned by Andrés Allamand, repudiated the violent events that have taken place on Cuban soil since last weekend and for which there are hundreds of detainees and missing.

“In view of the latest events in Cuba, the Chilean government reiterates their conviction that freedom of expression and peaceful demonstration are human rights which must always be respected and protected “, said the Chilean government. And he added: “These rights are an essential part of any free and democratic society.”

The press release issued by the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The press release issued by the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In the statement released at noon on Tuesday, they made it clear that “There is no justification for promoting repressive measures that attempt to silence citizens who peacefully demand greater freedom, timely and dignified health, and a better quality of life.”

“The Chilean government calls on the Cuban authorities to do not try to eliminate legitimate citizen expressions and allow them to demonstrate freely and without intimidation», They condemned.

Chile’s position marked an important difference with Argentina because yesterday President Alberto Fernández avoided questioning the repression carried out by the Castro regime against the Cuban people in the streets of Havana and the main cities of the country.

President Alberto Fernández with Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel
President Alberto Fernández with Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel

In the same vein, the president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou. “Cuba is a dictatorship which clearly does not respect human rights. The international community must help and demonstrate without meddling in the affairs of the country, but it is clear that on the international stages in which Uruguay participates, this sort of thing should be clearly stated “, Held.

“Freedom is what moves the individual. There comes a time when you can be cornered, cornered, but when certain situations arise, the individual fights for his freedom and for that of society, ”declared the Uruguayan president.

Meanwhile, the president of Brazil, Jair BolsonaroHe also made very critical comments against the Cuban regime. “People went to ask for four things. Food, like socialism is good, but there is no shortage of surfaces to plant tobacco, because the elite live on it, and they went to ask for electricity because the oil that came from Venezuela is falling a lot and their source of energy is that which comes from fossil fuels ”, he opined.

Protests in the streets of Cuba ended with hundreds injured and detained (REUTERS / Stringer)
Demonstrations in the streets of Cuba left hundreds injured and detained (REUTERS / Stringer)

In this sense, he added: “But, in addition to food, electricity and the internet, which do not exist, they went to ask for freedom and received rubber bullets, beatings and imprisonment.”

The position of the three border countries exposed the official gaze of the Fernández government and, once again, fragmented the position of Mercosur in the face of international conflicts. The Argentine government maintains the idea of ​​not judging the positions of the most authoritarian governments on the continent, such as Venezuela and Cuba.

Yesterday, in a radio interview, the president said that the massive protests and actions of the Díaz-Canel government are conflicts that must be resolved internally. “I don’t know exactly the extent of the problem in Cuba. It is not Argentina or any country in the world that has to say what Cuba should do, “he said.

These are all things the people have to solve, it is not I who should tell the people what to do. It is neither Argentina nor any country in the world that is saying what to do. Yes, we must promote the peace of the peoples and that the peoples find dialogue, this is what I have always raised about Venezuela ”, declared the Argentine president.

The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, and the President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, differed from the Argentine government regarding the international position due to the violent events in Cuba (EFE / Joedson Alves.)
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou clashed with the Argentine government over the international position due to the violent events in Cuba (EFE / Joedson Alves.)

Fernández’s warning about the acts of violence recorded in Cuba did not have the same tenor as those he perpetrated in May when the Colombian government of Iván Duque in the face of street demonstrations from left movements.

“With concern, I watch the crackdown unleashed against the social protests that have taken place in Colombia. I pray that the Colombian people return to social peace and I urge your government to end the unique institutional violence that has been perpetrated, with respect for human rights, ”he told ‘time.

Over the past weekend, thousands of Cubans took to the streets of major cities to protest against the Díaz-Canel government. All the days of protests that took place in the last hours are gone dozens of injured and detained, following the repression of the Castro regime.


Alberto Fernández: “I do not know exactly the extent of the problem in Cuba”
Jair Bolsonaro spoke of the crackdown in Cuba: “They went to ask for freedom and received rubber bullets, beatings and imprisonment”

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