Unload the car rental application between individuals


In general, in the hands of the trendy marketplace, more personalized offerings are starting to appear that allow users to appease economic downturns by sharing resources in digital communities.

This is the case of Cocoche, founded by Raphael De Lasa – a 36 year old French – and Luciano Bernal, programmer and member of the team that developed "Asked", developed this platform with the idea that the country is connected to global mobility trends.

"Cocoche is the first platform for renting private cars, accessible via mobile devices.Someone who does not use his car rent it through the app, so that others may use it at a lower cost than that typically charged by rental companies. "Advance Bernal. "It's a kind of Airbnb for cars, a community that seeks to share resources," he continues.

With an initial investment of $ 60,000 and a forecast of 500 cars online for the second half of 2019, they are expected to reach a business figure of $ 1,000,000 in the first three years.

"In Europe, this economic model was developed after the 2008 crisis to enable people to share resources in low-income situations. Today, the market is very well developed with more than 60,000 cars online.. But this is not a trend that is only reflected in France and Europe, most major economic powers realize these projects, "said De Lasa.

In Argentina, starting with e-commerce, which represents only 3% of the market, against 10% in developed countries, following this type of platform, new trends tend to fall asleep due to the constraints context. and also by the mistrust of the people.

Faced with this reality, Luciano Bernal states: "Creating a company is not complex, the difficulty lies in payments and insurance.In the country, few actors are willing to consider the operation of a digital platform. Cocoche's value lies not only in the technological development of the business model, but essentially in the partnership we have with Insurance on the Uruguay River, which reinforces the confidence of those who are reluctant to share resources in the market. "

With regard to the country's transport and mobility systems, De Lasa said: "We note that over 90% of the time private cars are parked, resulting in a very expensive liability. On the other hand, a large percentage of the population does not have access to a car. Our goal is to bring these two parties together and, for example, to allow residents of tourist areas to become part of local businesses.He adds and concludes: "Our goal as a marketplace is to use the resources of technology to create a sustainable business model that does not cost as much. Like Mercado Libre, our idea is to grow and not become a small local business. Today, we operate in 30 cities in Argentina, landing in Chile and in anticipation of our expansion in Uruguay, Brazil and Mexico. "

The data

The European benchmark, Drivy, was bought by US market leader Getaround for $ 300 million. In the region, the Chinese company Didy was established in Brazil, which reflects the fact that this model is a worldwide trend and it is time to consolidate it in Argentina.


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