Unrest in Brazil: young indigenous girl was mass raped and thrown off a cliff


Raissa da Silva Cabreira, an 11-year-old indigenous girl who belonged to the ethnic group Guaraní Kaiowá, was found lifeless on Monday August 9, after being raped in a herd and thrown off a cliff andm Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

According to the police authorities, the abuses and brutal femicide three teenagers and two adults participated. One of them, it was the little girl’s uncle. Everyone involved they confessed to planning the crime which took place on Sunday August 8th.

In their respective statements, they noted that they had forced the girl to drink an alcoholic drink. They then started beating her and they took her to a cliff near the village of Bororo, where he lived with his family and other friends.

Brazil Assassination
The cliff where Raissa da Silva Cabreira (11) was found lifeless after being beaten and mistreated.

It was on said cliff where two of the young people and one of the adults met the other members of the group. There, they perpetrated collective sexual abuse. The girl, still conscious, cried out for help and even passed out.

When he regained consciousness he shouted again: moment when the men decided to throw her from the cliff to 20 meters high, according to a police statement. The body was found Monday morning at the foot of the cliff.

Parts of his clothes were lying on the ground. During the first investigations carried out, at least seven people were potentially suspects. The autopsy confirmed the sexual abuse. Hours later, the five people involved confessed to the crime.

Brazil Assassination
Three teenagers and two adults, including one of the girl’s uncles, perpetrated the crime.

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Erasmo Cubas, the delegate responsible for the case, added: “The miners confessed to having received a cash offer to drag the girl to the scene. This version was rejected. They all agreed to beat her, take her to the cliff and rape her. “

The security forces called the episode “barbarism”: “During the barbarism, the victim’s uncle also participated in the crime. When the victim began to regain consciousness, asked for help and said he was going to report the perpetrators“.

“That’s why they decided together to throw him off the cliff so as not to be discovered”says an extract from the note signed by the civilian police. Adults will be prosecuted for crimes of vulnerable rape, femicide and aggravated homicide.

The uncle, identified as Elinho Arévalo (34 years old), He also confessed to raping his niece on previous occasions since I was 6 years old. The native chief Sonia guajajara asked for Justice for the Girl: “Stop killing the bodies and the future of our daughters and our young people.”


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