Unrest in Chile: a man killed his partner and moved the body on a wheelbarrow in the middle of a public road


A man was found dead in a wheelbarrow in the middle of the street after his attacker left him there when questioned by neighbors (Images provided by the Chilean-IDP investigative police)

A gruesome discovery occurred in Talca, Chile, when it was reported on Monday that a body had been found in a wheelbarrow in the middle of a public road. After investigation and thanks to the reporting of witnesses, the staff of the Investigation police (PDI) arrested Juan Luis Rojas Faundez (20), as the perpetrator of the murder of his companion, Jonathan Quiroz Jerez (20).

The event was reported after 7 hours the same day, when witnesses noticed that the individual transported the corpse on the public highway. Then, discovered by a neighbor and knowledge of the victim, he took off his shoes and gloves to flee the scene.

Alerted by what happened, Riflemen attended the scene and confirmed that the deceased, who was covered with a blanket, had multiple sharps injuries to the neck and chest.

The first images of the event were shared on Twitter while the body was still in the truck and the police had just arrived at the scene (Credit: Twitter capture ALFREDO QUINTEROS @ alfre2quinteros)

Instructed by the local prosecutor’s office, the PDI detectives They carried out various tests, including examining the security cameras in the area, succeeding in establishing the identity of the fugitive who was subsequently captured. From what was reported by the Talca Public Prosecutor’s Office, the subject will go to a hearing this Tuesday to control the detention and the officialization of the charges.

The victim was deposited in a wheelbarrow, and next to the body were found a pair of shoes and gloves that the assailant had left behind at the time of the robbery.

Through witness statements, the IDP was able to find the whereabouts of the assailant who was identified as a partner of the deceased and was immediately arrested in an action which, in the words of the The sub-prefect Marcelo Pérez, head of the Talca homicide squad,, It was carried out on the public highway and without major inconveniences.

“Thanks to various procedures ordered by the Prosecutor’s Office to the PDI Homicide Squad, it was possible to arrest the subject who allegedly murdered this man in the northern sector of Talca, leaving him abandoned on the public highway on a wheelbarrow. It would be the victim’s partner», Declared Commissioner Pérez.

Subsequent examinations of the corpse made it possible to corroborate his identity as well as to establish the victim’s relationship with the person identified as the perpetrator (Photo: courtesy of the Communication Service of the Investigative Police of Talca)

For his part, the prosecutor of Talca, Gabriela Vargas, as stated Cooperative radiodeclared: “The accused Juan Rojas Faúndez, who killed a young 20 year old at dawn yesterday after stabbing him 12 times and on the basis of information gathered by the investigative police, The court asked to extend the control until Thursday, June 24 at 10 a.m. in order to formalize and request the relevant provisional measures.“, He explained.

The news quickly became known and first reached the media via Twitter when user @ alfre2quinteros posted an image with the body photo and the caption “#URGENT #TALCA #POLICIEL. NOW: On East 5th Street, arriving at Avda Circunvalación Norte in Talca, a man is found dead in a truck in the middle of the avenue, traffic cut off by police, a PDI homicide squad is working”.


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