Unrest in Miami following ‘random’ murder of tourist in restaurant


A tourist was shot inside a restaurant on Ocean Drive, Miami, by a 22-year-old man who confessed to police that he was drugged at the time of the attack. In turn, he said that there was chose his target “at random”.

The shooter, a Georgian named Tamarius David, added that “I was high on the mushrooms, which make him feel empowered ”, according to information published by the newspaper The Miami Herald.

The attack occurred Tuesday evening at a locality Brewery, located on Ocean Drive at 1400. The victim, a A 21-year-old man named Dustin Wakefield, was inside having dinner with his family when he was attacked.

A photo of Dustin Wakefield, the tourist from Colorado killed in Miami.

A photo of Dustin Wakefield, the tourist from Colorado killed in Miami.

According to the testimony of a relative in Wakefield, David entered the premises and walked directly to the table where the man was with his wife and 1 year old son.

“He pointed the gun at the kid and Dustin said, ‘he’s just a boy’“said Mike Wakefield, who was not at the scene but learned of the circumstances of the event from his relatives.

“Dustin got up and got between the abuser and the baby. That’s when they shot him, several times,” added the victim’s uncle, who worked in construction and was originally from Colorado.

Tamarius Blair David, tourist murder suspect "al-azar" 3 in Miami.

Tamarius Blair David, the suspect in the murder of a “random” tourist in Miami.

After shooting Wakefield, Davis apparently took a while and continued to wander around the area outside the restaurant where he committed the crime. Then he ran away and escaped down an alley, where he was arrested by the police.

Video taken over the cell phone of a person present at the time of the suspect’s arrest shows how three police officers stop him as the man shouts “I did it”.


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